They’re like drug dealers. You’ll never get rid of them as long as there’s a demand. Who the fuck are the idiots spending good money to own a signed ball cap or sneaker, anyway?
They’re like drug dealers. You’ll never get rid of them as long as there’s a demand. Who the fuck are the idiots spending good money to own a signed ball cap or sneaker, anyway?
Always remember: Bad schools make future Republicans! If don’t bother to teach kids how to think, they won’t bother to learn. This locks in your base for the next generation.
Using Trump’s logic, it would either be transportation secretary or ambassador to France.
I’m confident that this move was in no way motivated by the desire to show you 98 commercials during the breaks between heats.
If the France family were smart they would just sell NASCAR to Liberty while it’s still worth something...I’m sure Brian could get a job in the Trump administration with the rest of the unqualified, inept, and intellectually challenged members...and yeah, go ahead and burn me, whatevs...
Whoever is responsible for this change needs to get fucked.
Oakley is a legend, and by many accounts (including this video) he’s also a collosal asshole.
Yeah, because Yemen’s permission means anything to this administration.
Unappreciative cunts.
Who of us hasn’t begged an author to be let out of the greys? The kinja version of a knighthood. Some with more success that others.
in one email he wrote, “Unless it’s a knighthood fuck off”
That’s what I was thinking. It’s now a 2-owner car used as a rental and he wants to make what he paid for it several months ago? Lol ok. Welcome to supercar ownership dude.
$63k payout for an (at least) 2-owner rental Audi doesn’t sound half bad, does it?
Second Super Bowl in a row the Pats have won because some dummy passed when he should’ve run.
You root for some random ass teams.
If there is a pundit more wrong than Skip the universe will fold in on itself.
I agree. But we need to come up with an acceptable alternative to “women.” “Girls” is belittling, but “women” is just too damn formal! For guys, we have, well, “guy(s),” and “dude(s),” because saying “man/men” in every context would just be weird. “Gals” will never work. Ever. “Ladies” can come off as sleezy.…
Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.
He never will, he’s made that clear. He’ll never even make the disclosures so that we know when he’s benefiting.
And everyone is so wrapped up in the political theater Trump is creating (cabinet nominations, who tf is Frederick Douglass, Steve Bannon), we’ve yet again skipped over the fact that our POTUS still hasn’t fucking fully divested himself from his businesses, many of which will likely benefit from the financial…