
But if you look at it another way, it was a tremendous raid. The most successful raid of all time, folks. Really amazing job planning that raid. I think some illegals died? In any case it’s fake news, and this conference is over.

I’m seriously concerned he is going to treat our armed forces like this is a game of Command & Conquer.

A friend of mine posted this sign from last weekend’s rally in Boston and I LOVE IT.

I am the most active Filipino Kinja user here, living in a city in the nation’s capital that is a usual drug haven. All these are true and happening. Also, I’m on mobile, so I can’t link lest this tab refreshes and I lose tge comment.

This policy means I, as a police officer, could kill you, a citizen, drop some weed on you, and call it good.

Seems like the military taking political sides is pretty divisive.

Hell is exactly where Dodge interiors are designed and built

If you’ve ever driven a Ferrari V12, you would not utter these words.

To hit their pricing targets with a lack of production capacity, they have to cut costs. Here’s a great way to cut SERIOUS costs while at the same time coming off as “cool and innovative”.

I think their doing it to save money. This hvac system has far fewer parts and software needs than a conventional system. They don’t give a shit about running down batteries heating up the car they have to make some money from these things.

Because the Jalopnik commentariat do not represent most actual car buyers.

Yeah, but on the other hand, fuck Bell and my fucking ridiculous $90/mth cable bill for which I get sports channels, two news channels and local network FTA TV stations.

Yeah this seems absurd. Seems Bell is basically buying pay per view for the whole country in exchange for zilch.

Uh, we still have to put up with the Fox broadcasters even if we watch it on CTV. You think Bell Media is going to pay to supply their own play by play and colour (note the u) guys? This is one time I’m actually sympathetic, since we can see all the goddamn ads on this little thing called the internet.

the idea of an individual negotiating effectively on their behalf, in a job where there is little leverage (lets say working at a super market, or a manual laborer at a construction site) is non existent. You could say “Well then become more valuable so you have some leverage” but the issue is we have people doing

Doesn’t even matter. Give it a few months and the only jobs will be corpse collector, highwayman, and scavenger.

And vice-versa. The parallels are getting creepy.

Kim Jong Un could die of heart disease and Trump would take credit for it. What a chode.

Big Wood Strokes?

No way. "Strong home run slams all over the baseball yard" is one of the best things I've read this week.