Juan Diablo

You would love Eastbound if you haven't seen it already.

And that every separated father wished they had, easy to deal with and no drama

I freaking love Ray lol He's going to accuse him and then Ray will keep being a lil sweetheart to him anyway lol

Wow, didn't think of this- great call, this is my new pick! They were JUST talking about Gamby firing him as he walked out to see the cars, so that would be a great foreshadowing!

Yeah they won't do something this predictable. $10 says it's
Matt McConaughey and Adam Scott that B hired to do the job as a throw back to the old Eastbound series. $10 dollars says Will Ferrel makes an appearance as some sort of off the wall janitor next season lol

I noticed that too, the way he distanced himself from everything they did together and his propensity for recording people. 100% that convo was recorded, +1

Great point

Why would she hit Russell's car too tho?

I wondered that too, but Russell did reply on the radio while Gamby was walking out. Plus it was obvious that Russell was recording Gamby when they were at the flag and Russ was rehashing everything they did to B and being careful enough to make it sound like he didn't have anything to do with it. It could be that

I hope so too, but it did sound like Erlich was trying to get him to put up everything his has for their venture and I wouldn't mind seeing Erlich get burned for being a dbag lol

Big head violated his confidentiality clause with that story right? Bummer :-/ loved the Indiana Jones reference between Gilfoyle and Dinesh lol

Hahaha that had me rolling that he even said that considering his character's normal behavior lol

Well he is the one in the house doing all the fuc*i*g

She was, but I'm glad they changed their minds on that- wouldn't have been good for the show

Hahaha the day I actually spoil something I will kitten, but in this case I said "a date" which no one would be able to figure out unless they had other clues that they came across on their own from somewhere/someone else. For all anyone knows they could have assumed I meant he met a new chick and was gonna leave his

Right, because all of those things have been proven haven't they ;-D … and until proven otherwise I still believe all of the above are true lol

Hahaha man I bet I could cook and egg on your forehead right now lol

You wound yourself up kitten, don't blame me because you get all bent out of shape over comments on the internet lol

Did you shoot yourself…? lol

Hahahaha used the word dummy 3 times in your post… now who's unoriginal lol? I'm assuming you are so fired up that you can't sit still in your seat in grandma's basement due to rage ;-D