I had no clue u weren't a woman lol flirting, good one…. well if there was any doubt it's been erased, now it's 100% clear that you are delusional ;-D
I had no clue u weren't a woman lol flirting, good one…. well if there was any doubt it's been erased, now it's 100% clear that you are delusional ;-D
Acronyms of children lol I would say a chick like you who get's all bent out of shape over internet message boards is mentally weak ;-D
Makes me look like a child, says the knucklehead who's complaining to everyone in a comment section that they ruined her user experience by posting theories and comparisons… so I guess if anyone knows what childish behavior is it would be you lol Keep complaining online though, you are really getting through to us…
Reading comprehension lol Your impression if misguided and over the top dramatic lol Anyone can do it, and you chose not to. You would rather come to a place that you know people are discussing what you don't want to see. If they are tired and over used references then that shows you know the drill here, yet you keep…
I didn't tease anything cupcake. Don't like it don't read, simple as that. Grow up lol
So it sounds to me like you kept sniffing around in places where people continuously give different bits of spoiler information, and then you want to blame me… a person who literally said nothing about the plot… because you pieced it all together? sounds to me like you wanted to know what happened and dug till u found…
At least you know you are a whiny baby lol
What did I rob? I said a name and said nothing else about it. And a non-reader would most likely take what I said as literal since they have no reason to take it any other way. I literally said nothing in my post. Captain Save-a-hoe over here getting your panties in a bunch about nothing. Let's see if you posted the…
Man, what an excellent write up. Great post, +1
Noooope, he is alive. Glen has a date with Lucille, and the writers know better than to rob him of that
Shame on you…
I like what i'm hearing! Going to see this on Saturday