Juan Hunoz

“Well, look at you agreeing before you know any of the weird details”

Because Cordelia cast a soul-hiding spell or something so there was no way Michael could find it in order to resurrect Ms. Mead.  

The heart of the episode, and the heart of Michael’s desire to even start to work towards his destiny is his beloved Ms Mead. But it’s still unclear what she gave him that his grandmother didn’t

It wouldn’t really make sense in the context for it to be Garrison. In South Park world, Mr. Garrison is the current president of the US who is in hiding because he nuked Canada and people are pissed at him.

I’m not your guy, pal.

Two incredinbly coked up hipsters and a hooker is also how I picture the AHS writing room.

I’ve really enjoyed this season, but I think it started doing its inevitable unraveling a few weeks ago. This most recent episode was by far the worst of the season.

boredom bordering on indifference

“You can’t just go to hell and get her back because uh... because I did a spell. Yeah like a soul... uh, soul hiding spell. And uh only I can break it. So yeah.”

...you guys do realize this was an allusion to the temptations of Christ...right? No? 

Any time this show takes on political correctness (which has always been a pretty frequent target for this show), The AV Club’s reviews tend to take on a rather indignant tone. “This satire falls flat! Who are they even making fun of?”

You do know it actually takes less than a week for this show to be animated, right? That’s how they’re able to include the most topical events/people/things at the moment into each episode.

This episode was so dumb, and so fucking stupid. Just dumb and stupid in waves.

I really don’t understand the season’s story structure here at all. I can get doing an in media res opening with the apocalypse to tell us that it is coming and won’t be stopped and then jumping back to the backstory. But why spend three whole episodes in the bunker and then backtrack to spend what’s now the majority

Yep. The narrator reveals himself to be Kenny as an adult and the boys go back to trick-or-treating normally again after Kenny and Mackey disable all the e-scooters in town, except for one that mysteriously rolls away on its own.

I found this episode incredibly boring. The horror was when I kept looking at the clock and seeing there was still loads of time left in the show. This season has ground to a halt with all this flashback backstory. I don’t need every little detail filled in. He’s the antichrist. We get it. Can we please get this

which is the second-consecutive excellent episode of season 22

I’m chalking the whole thing up to ‘because throwing random shit as deadly projectiles’ is way cooler than just shooting a gun.’

He used a gun at the newspaper so... Kinda?

From an in-world perspective, I have no idea why Dex doesn’t use a gun during this attack