Juan Hunoz

She gets it from the same store Constance gets her booze and cigarettes. 

Wait, we don’t say “maiden name” anymore? When did that get retired?

While Chidi was questioning his life choices, I too was questioning my own as a straight male once he took off his shirt.

I don’t see a Mike Schur series ending with “and they all burned in Hell forever, the end”. He’s telling the story of the journey of these characters, and it wouldn’t be satisfying for them to end up exactly where they started.

“Bleak” and “ballsy” get conflated a lot, but sometimes being earnest and optimistic is a

To be fair, Tahani’s time at the monastery was genuine until she was tempted away, as was Jason’s attempts to win a dance off instead of doing crime, Eleanor’s turn at being nice and socially responsible, and Chidi’s decisiveness.  It’s just that in all 4 cases, the single near death experience wasn’t enough to keep

But why? There’s no reason they need to? It’s like asking everyone to die in a paper fire in The Office.

It could be worse.

It was nice to see that despite not remembering (again) anything about him Eleanor, as always, sees right through Michael’s lies.

It was nice to see that despite not remembering (again) anything about him Eleanor, as always, sees right through Michael’s lies. Those were bad lies but people often believe in what they hear to avoid things that are against their belief systems. She doesn’t allow him to distract her or let an explanation pacify

I mean he was distractingly buff.

Professors of Moral Philosophy must have a lot of free time to work out.

Tear jerking” is better.

Are we all going to let the best line in 8 seasons go by without comment?

Even though we kind of had an inkling in advance that it was going to be one of the family members, the execution of it was so flawless that I don’t feel disappointed or cheated by the final reveal.

This show is absolutely fantastic. Every scare and shock moment is grounded in human drama so it makes everything feel that much more potent, and present. This is horror done right.

So, are these reviews essentially recaps with some light criticism thrown in? I’m surprised that there’s no mention of Victoria Pedretti’s gobsmacking performance as Nell, which has to rank among the best I’ve seen on television. Unfailingly genuine, inventive, and expressive stuff, which sells every second of it.

I’d figured Nell for the Bent-Neck Lady a few episodes ago but jeeeeeez that end sequence was effective.

Yeah this one might have kicked up some dust cuz for some reason my eyes were getting wet.

This episode - especially the last few minutes - purely did me in, y’all. Emotionally, I mean. Just — stick a fork in me, I’m done. This fucking house! Poor Nellie.

It’s pretty clear to me that she never had sleep paralysis at all. What they’re showing *isn’t* sleep paralysis, and isn’t supposed to be.