Juan Hunoz

Yeah, I’ll just go drop some acid to walk around the mall for a while. Settle down, Timothy Leary.

A politician who understands that it’s more important to ask the right questions than pontificate?

Well, that and lesbians

That’s what the Ontario government has decided. You will be allowed to smoke pot publicly wherever you can smoke tobacco publicly.

Just once I’d love for a positive horror review to say “But what’s most effectively upsetting about Hill House is how scary it is”. But no, it’s always gotta be actually about “ the devastating sadness that lingers long after the ghosts retreat back into the darkness”. Which makes me think like most horror movies that

That headline is making a very bold claim, but at the same time, it’s basically convinced me that I have to watch the show. 

Did I miss what was wrong with the old way of getting high? I guess kids these days don’t have to be worried about getting busted by the cops like we did back in the day so they have more time to experiment,  but it seems like the old method worked just fine. No need to re-invent the wheel here people.

In one week cannabis will be legal across Canada.

I mean, sure...weed is cool. But have you tried it...ON WEEEEED???

So... the lead singer of All American Rejects was part of the cast? Wow - what a random surprise that was. No mention of Cheech Marin popping up in the finale? :(

yeah, I didn’t see her crack in that hearing. I think she believed it through and through... that she FINALLY saw the emotion from Jimmy she’d been hoping he would express at some point but maybe was buried too deep down. That final scene when she realized he was faking it hit her like a ton of bricks... and then the

Did anyone else see the entire Mike subplot as a riff on Jesse in the close of season 3? Desperately trying to salvage a way out of killing a mostly innocent guy (there Gale), and realizing there was no path out? Putting Gale in makes me think the parallel was intended.

So sick of those glamourpusses Steve Buscemi, John Turturro, Stephen Root, John Goodman, Tim Blake Nelson, and Tom Waits hogging the spotlight, eh? ;)

I feel good watching A Serious Man.

“...a whole anthology of it might drive me to drink.”

“A group of strangers thrust together in a stagecoach” is “Stagecoach.” Surely you know that Quentin Tarantino doesn’t invent anything.

Madison said she would do it anyway because she’s had no dick since going to hell.

This. Episode. Was. Everything.

Yeah, going back to the Cortez was a fun surprise, and March is easily my favourite Evan Peters character.

I’m enjoying this season much more than I expected. The ‘shared universe’ world-building is just the kind of dumb fun I love from this show at its best. And Evan Peters hamming it up as March again was so worth it.