Juan Hunoz

“(You) didn’t manage to catch (Grandpa’s) entire speech”? Seriously? This is someone who gets paid to write about something while my thumb stays hopelessly, joblessly lodged up my ass?

Christ, this is so spot on. This writer has no business covering TV shows.

Instead, Grandpa represents all elderly people (I guess he’s just the one really old guy in town?)

I’m not one to criticise a journalist’s approach to, uh, journalism, but I find the AV Club’s South Park coverage to be just, like, so weird. The first-name basis with Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the attempt to reverse-engineer a cogent ideological statement out of every episode, the way you discuss theme as though

“I’m just saying that I wasn’t thinking about the future because your father was supposed to be nothing but dried-up crust on Gram-Gram’s titties.”

Unfortunately, instead of ice cream and cars, he now wants people to give up soy sauce and RDR2. I’ll be honest; the soy sauce thing I don’t get. That he would want them to give up the game seems like a reference to Rockstar’s poor treatment of workers who were rushed to finish it, and the fact that most people

Best part of a great episode: Bob and Edith singing “Radar Love”, which is now my favorite thing ever. (Fun fact, Edith is voiced by Larry Murphy, the VA for Teddy)

Bob: “Lillian is the lady you just stole from?”

Did anyone else notice that TEDDY WENT ON A DATE!!!?!?!?!1!

I thought it was kind of funny that Bosco pretended to arrest them to appease his mother, but then said “I’ll just drive around for a bit and drop you off somewhere inconvenient.” Like, he’s still a dick.

Stop saying “quief” as if it means “quilt thief!”

Edith is the worst. A great pop-in character because she’s the worst. But damn, she’s the worst. This episode had me sort of liking her by the end! She still is the worst, but I appreciate how this show cares about deepening its characters.

Also, I love Sergeant Bosco’s mom, and her apparent willingness to use her

I felt tempted to call this an A- episode myself but this grade will do. Edith and Harold may rub some people the wrong way but I find their grumpy old person shtick hilarious.

“There’s the quilt thief! The quief!”

“My wife is probably worried sick.

A little scattershot but overall decent. Definitely credit due to whoever did the effects for the parasite victims - both the transitional effects and corpses were better than I expected from the show’s usual budget.

“Your car looks like it has ants”

“It does”

“I feel bad for them”

Jason and the “mythical” penguin was mine...although Jason usually does make me laugh the most.

For whatever reason, Chidi’s “WHY?!?!” being pushed into the water was my biggest laugh.

to be honest they made fun of gore because he was making himself to be both the spokesperson, science and everything for climate change. He more or less tried to take credit for everything the whole sector was doing