
Old man here. When did it become okay to bring dogs everywhere? I see them at the grocery store, Home Depot, etc. Service dogs are fine, but I don’t believe that emotional support dogs should even be a thing. That just sounds like a fancy synonym for pet. Not everyone wants to encounter dogs when they go shopping.

I get kind of a Lost Vikings vibe from this.

Rich, man, the good news is that baseball is probably incapable of coming up with another way to hurt you this badly.

Bartolo Colon hit a home run, there is no way he can dunk

It sure is for Canadians down here. Few of us have the luxury of budgeting only in pesos.

Because stupid people are scared of them.

What do you take to block the memories of eating such an awful breakfast?

Bonus: laying the groundwork/keeping options open for 2020 and beyond once the smoke has cleared.


If you were raised properly, you would know the “ They did it first!” excuse is not accepted from Kindergartners, let alone adult racists.

“Had there been people of color in the room, someone could have said, ‘you know guys, I don’t think this is going to fly,’”

Thank goodness. We were all worried that you’d find new soccer stories to misreport.

Really? You make a drug reference regarding how mellow Jamaica was and you pick Valium? JAMAICA?

Sorry wrong language, inappropriate use of a visa? Some people don’t make the claim right away though, I’ve noticed.

IRS late payment penalty is .5% per month which ends up being 6% per year. There’s also late payment interest that’s currently 4.22% APR. Floyd better be earning well over 10% on these investments to be shorting the IRS.

I will never cease to be impressed by the amount of racist white people who truly seem to believe that Martin Luthor King Jr., were he still alive, would be on their side.

I was pretty sure at one point PUBG did an update where there made it so the level of obscurity was the same across graphics settings. Does anybody know if I’m right/wrong?

right click looting is fine for getting started, but left click dragging them on to you is faster and more reliable once you’re used to it. Also I think you should make mention of the fact that shotguns are still quite useful to a surprisingly long distance— these aren’t typical Call of Duty styled scatterguns.

Ah, so just the bad ones (all of them)

What, and fuck it through the sheet? This isn’t some Orthodox Jew wedding night, I wanna see it all.