
The names don’t even change that much. Caps really need to get past the BJs so they can lose in 6 OT games to the Pens for the millionth time.

Have you ever pickled a frog?

Thank you so so so so so much for Poch. So much.

In case you were wondering, you were the person everyone at Thanksgiving wished would just STFU.

Clearly the solution is to sit on the kitchen floor and eat a bag of pickles.

What I want to know is why Donna, supposedly a Democrat, thinks having this fight six days before an election is going to help Democrats win that election.

I think (and a dev could correct me) that in a game like Fo4 your save is almost entirely about your character and assets and your base, I suppose. There’s also data about what’s happening in the game world, but most of those should just be flags (ie you have completed this quest, you have killed this NPC). In a

Ranking member is commonly used in legislatures to denote seniority.

I disagree. Megan Mcardle is a good embodiment of low-key white supremacy: everything she has is because her father was a powerful, successful person in the same industry.

Literally no mention of the stadium which opens next year and is specifically being built to help Spurs compete financially? Oh, Billy wrote this, carry on.

Move somewhere else.

16 Champions League matches with better teams and better goals and this is the first coverage of European football we get? The weirdest part is the lack of Billy Haisley byline.

Not really though as it’s a promo, bet £1 and they’ll give you £25 to bet in the future. Hope the affiliate link worked for you!

If that’s a major issue for you, you must love the sport.

Only if you’re afraid to leave the white parts of town.

It’s not called the DMV, nobody from DMV calls it the DMV, I’m convinced the acronym came about when one group of UVa frat boys on their way to a Dave Matthews concert misheard another group of UVa frat boys:
“Where u going brah?”
“DMB brah”
“DMV? Sick brah!”

Ole Miss should have kept at it, they have deeper pockets and it should have been easy for them to bust a Nutt.

Alex is really sweet as a husband once you get past the jock facade. And if you like trying to fix people, Shane for sure.

All these show the power of great sound editing. The Shining in particular for me, building tension through quiet and then releasing it, not with a jump scare but a real one.

Doesn’t really work in a multiplex setting.