
I don’t think I’d call beating out a double play and spending five minutes waiting for the replay review “pretty fun to watch.”

And what of those who need childcare? You’ll need to double that wage increase to cover that cost? And what of the indigent? And of the short-term unemployed.

Or how about the family of the 87 year old she killed?

Worst fire in DC since 1814? You must not follow current events in that city.

Sometimes it’s also broken into specific glitches as well - Dark Souls has a specific category for the Kiln-skip run (which lets you skip about half the game), which is not allowed in the general “glitch” run. There also tends to be an “any% current”, which is any% for the most current patch (and then the leaderboard

Different categories for different types of speed runs, generally they’re broken into two different broad categories, glitch and glitchless, and then get more specific from there

I’ll agree that this story is hardly a straight line between Labrador’s comment and Brunkhart’s illness. Most people aren’t screened for these type of illnesses until there are glaring symptoms. I’ve been to 13 specialists for a diagnosis of chronic pain and still don’t have answers.

Sheila Jackson Lee?! As someone who has worked in politics in Washington before, let me warn you not to lionize her. Well known as the worst boss in Congress. The stories of how she terrorizes her staffers are legendary.

I could not find much information on this but I only did a cursory search. There are many go fund me pages for Flint but nothing to contribute to their bills/lawyers. I do not want to pay their bills because that would mean in some what that the residents are responsible for what happened to them. They should not have

No. Nobody is talking about the occasional puff of smoke under throttle.

However, even when they’re smoking, they’re not smoking anywhere near the standards of rolling coal. Rolling coal requires a tune with massively more fuel than it can burn.

Smoke is not a product of efficient burning.

uh no that is not ‘continuing it’
that is ‘playing baseball’
it is a thing the red sox could maybe try instead of nursing a grudge over literally nothing?

Niskanen is probably getting too much of the blame the wayward stick from Ovie to the back of the head was the catalyst for the play.

I wish someone had just outright said to me “sex with a new partner can be stressful, and stress is bad for getting it up.” That plagued me for years. (bright side, it put me off cheap casual sex and probably kept me from getting Super AIDS in my late teens and early 20s.)

I was well into my thirties before I had a

It hasn’t worked out because we’ve got “progressives” like Bernie who came storming in to the 2016 primary wanting to bitch about Wall Street speeches and superdelegates while the other party was building an entire platform dedicated to eliminating the rights of anyone who wasn’t a straight white Evangelical male.

Lol wut....Subaru buyers in 2017 aren’t the same ones from 1997. They don’t want minimalist they want upscale.

so infinitely more useful than any other professional athlete, got it