
Perhaps the industry’s efforts to push for hugely punitive penalties for piracy are backfiring on them. I continue to have doubts about the efficacy of legal restrictions on actually reducing piracy. But if an uninformed person receives a notice saying they owe $5,000 (or hundreds of thousands of dollars as the MPAA

As a graduate of UB, it’s actually University at Buffalo. Carry on.

Damn, sorry about that.

clicked the video to watch highlights like this and came away disappointed.

I’m 29 and I can not tell you how many times I’ve daydreamed about going back and playing little league, not as a kid, but as an adult. I would fucking dominate and feel a power that I’ve never felt before. Imagine getting a 40mph floater right down the middle and taking it deep, rounding the bases while staring

Yeah, not really the best example because they did implement goal line tech precisely because of incidents like that. Which would be the same hope here. Sucks that someone has to get screwed along the way, but sometimes that is what it takes to get changes made.

Online multiplayer. Very few of my friends play games these days, and I have no interest in playing with strangers.

Or a clumsy proctologist

It would have more weight if you were a Burnley fan. Not surprising that the benefactor of a bad call is okay with it.

I just looked over the Deadspin front page and it doesn’t look like they cover football any more. Sorry.

More cupholders.

1. I don’t remember clicking Deadspin! Which I only read for terrible soccer coverage.

I like how this whole article on barely gives passing notice to the 7-1 drubbing Brazil took from Germany in 2014, the team they will be playing for the gold. Germany is mentioned, 2014 mentioned, but no connection is made...weird.

I would never violate attorney-dumpster confidentiality.

This article tells me one thing...Patrick Redford needs to ask Ashley Feinberg out.

As many as you want. The real question is: How many coworkers SHOULD you bone?

You think Berman settled some scores?

I always wonder what would happen if I ended up in an On the Beach situation - surviving but just waiting things out.

Do we not like him? I like him.

I feel you. BUT what I also dislike MORE, as I get older and older, is the way my body reacts to drinks 3 and 4 the next day, as if I have chugged a bottle of rat poison.