
Ha! Suggestion upthread has Matt Smith as Ford — two Doctors in Hitchhiker’s might be peak/critical mass Adams =)

People were so mad the movie wasn’t the book they failed to enjoy how great the movie was. Did we need Malkovich? No, but they nailed every aspect theme wise. It’s a damn shame, we could have had a few more movies with Rickman as Marvin and Freeman as Arthur. Mos Def and Rockwell also nailed it. Trillian was Adams

I don’t think cash will bow out until something like a universal basic income arrives in N.America. (pace, India) In addition to being liquid already, it is the primary transaction medium for people without a lot of money, i.e., the majority. Central banks might peg an electronic version, but it will only be equal to

You can’t beat cash for privacy/security*. I still prefer cash for small transactions as fewer card swipes = less exposure. Credit/debit has improved quite a bit in the area, but there’s still work to be done.

Apparently, the imagination has become obsolete. Most of these guys are going on and on to basically say “I don’t know” or “people in past have been wrong, so I’d rather not embarass myself”. Or maybe, you guys just phrased the question wrong. “Obsolete” might not be the right word, because as pointed out multiple

While I fully agree with you that that seems to be the way things are going, I hate it.  There may be some of us still that want to see something, to feel if that thing is ‘right’ for us.

The end of rotating magnetic media has been forecast for the last 50 years, starting at least with magnetic bubble memory. Unlike CRTs, magnetic disks don’t carry a huge manufacturing expense over the replacements. I do see them receding to large data centers where cheap storage is more important than small size. That

I think the article writer confuses “obsolete” with “unattainable”.
Private companies will purchase up all lands and nobody can afford to themselves, forcing them into “renting” which is a continual monthly fee.
the world is moving towards “monthly fees’ for everything. It sickens me.
I haven’t the budget for monthly

The number of privately funded mass transit systems in the world is actually quite small and usually for limited markets. The simple truth is that the vast number of areas served would not be served under a private system because those route are not profitable. However, for civic unity and for economic reasons, those

Most of Japan’s railway network was built when trains were 100% public, meaning it is another great of example of public money being invested to drive private profits, which the capitalist right immediately forgets about so it can pretend everything was private all along.

“(‘home ownership’ itself quickly verging on obsolete)“

To be fair, these people are US citizens and either swore away their foreign citizenship, or are literally US born, and have been elected to represent and run the US government. Trump is an asshole.

This is what happens when thermal systems destabilize to fast and try to reach equilibrium again.

The reports I’ve read (and France 24 tweet above) said in some parts there were 2 metres of hail. I’m not sure how much it is in your weird measures but that’s higher than most people. Or cars. It’s basically one floor (almost). It never even snowed that much anywhere I lived. This is like some kind of disaster movie

Are you really trying to argue that indigenous people shouldn’t have access to their ancestral lands that were taken from them by military force..?


What they do or don’t do with their land is their business. Just because they weren’t building mcmansions or condos on it doesn’t mean anything or give anyone the right to buy or take it.

Or possibly go back to the original actually unlimited data plan that everyone had before the telcoms realized how much they could milk people for.