
An actress... whose artistic name is “Julia Graner” you know, a professional whose job is to act like a character of a story that is recorded on video format so people can see it on their closest screen or movie theater. You can use google in case you want to know more details about this specific actress.

Ah great, another rich pipe dream about making an “awesome” city for rich people that will become just one or two buildings abandoned after 5-10 years and a bunch of lawsuits from not so rich people who actually believe they were going to live in a utopia made by rich capitalists who instead took their money and run.

Lo hace a propósito, fíjate y trata de siempre mantener alguna controversia acarca de él o Twitter en constante circulación, por qué? Porque le sirve para generar tráfico para Twitter, como ya sabemos, la gente tuitea y comenta más cuando está enojada, cuando hay controversias y ahorita que solo le interesa aumentar

Look at all the reviews of any cult movie and generally most of the movies that are still remembered after a decade or more. Criticisms come and go, and now that literally everyone is a critic, I just don’t bother with ratings or criticisms more than maybe a little guidance of what to expect. You’ll like what you

So what’s the copyright and legal situation if you buy an official ornament with a logo of a company who decided to abandon that logo? I mean, I guess it’s fine to put in your home but what if someone put it inside their business like a coffee shop or even next to their own logo of business’ name? I guess the lawyers

Exactly, I have seen like maybe 10 videos from him, but I’ve been curious about the business side and behind the cameras stuff from his company and the guy seems to just be having fun and found a way to live a comfortable life while giving away a lot of money and doing some philanthropic work. We don’t know the

I mean, duh! One is based on a super well known toy franchise that every kid from several generations has known about and at least all the girls wanted at some point, where the internationally famous, talented and known for her beauty Margot Robbie acts as THE Barbie and folks go to watch the movie thinking it will be

I’m a very skeptical person and very science and fact driven, most of the time it’s easy to rule out most of the alien stories because of the points made in the articles, and how easy is for humans to change a memory and be influenced by other factors. What has reawakened my curiosity about all of this is how USA

I see the Irony since many religions say we’re “special” but it makes sense that someone who’s prone to believing in a magical entity could believe in other magical entities

Since the race to the bottom became the status Quo, brand loyalty it’s just stupid (unless we’re talking about a small local business or within a small niche maybe) no mainstream car company is here to make their customers happy, they just want to increase profits however they can and lately most of those decisions go

Funny you mention gizmodo, I’ve been here since... Idk 2006 or something like that? For the longest time this was my home site, I loved it, then I spread my wings to other sites but I still visited and commented on this site daily, then things started to change, then the bankrupt came, then the unclosable/autoplay

I agree, is exciting to hear about technologies that could make oled displays cheaper with the hope that they become more affordable for us the consumers (although I can’t even remember the last time that happened, usually they just hold the high price until a better tech can replace the previous one in the

Well, the problem is that Poppers are not regulated in anyway because it’s kind of a gray area drug, so no one cares about making it safer to use and less because it has always been distributed as it is with no much of an issue as far as I know, I guess it could come with some type of porous inner cap or maybe a cap

That’s why we may never have another saga of movies like Avengers, at least for a long while, because the amount things that have to go just right with so many talent involved is crazy. And we only see the characters in the movies but these actors are people who not always want to make such a long, multi-year

One of the Disney™ experiences for the 1% is closing? Oh no! s/

The thing is, this device won’t be an end-consumer headset, that’s why is priced like that and that’s why it doesn mattter if they lose money on the hardware because it is intended as a developer unit, that would be the first step towards the actual mixed reality glasses they want to make in the future, this is just

Not even in the official page there’s information about the drivers, audio or supported codec so I assume these are the most basic type of TWS earbuds with “extra bass” they could come up with, probably only support SBC and AAC.
“What did you expect for $50" some effort since they have the money and scale to make

This is exciting, back in the good Ol ‘days I was a huge fan of lifehacker and I learned a lot from it, now that you have separated from what “Gawker/Gizmodo” became, I hope the content overall gets better.

These types of awards shouldn’t get the praise they do honestly, because there are no rules or objective selection into who wins, they’re dependent of the bias of the judges, the present social environment, the popularity (or unpopularity) of an actor, director, etc. and many other subjective things.
Sure, if you’re in