
Lol no. What will it be able to do? make snarkier responses to play with? It’s not like it could be better for a smart home use, every AI is struggling right now to actually automate software tasks because of many issues like hallucinations.

OMG don’t bring the thin race back, it’s stupid. We don’t need thinner phones, i had one of the thinnest phones back in the day (because it was a good deal in my phone plan), it was fine but I don’t miss the thinness at all, you know what would be nice? instead of making them thin, put a bigger battery and even better

Thw WHO already clarified it

You might want to update this, the secretary of Health of Mexico already refuted the WHO’s report, he said the person died from other causes

I’d like to get the opinion of a profesional in safety driving but this really looks like a dangerous amount of lag, it’s like every safety measure has been put out of the priority list for Tesla or at least for this car

the teledactyl sounds interesting as a concept, and I’m not a doctor but I guess you’d need more than 2 points of reference to make an observation most of the time, and thinking about something that could do this in real life in today’s world it would basically need to be like a full chair with attachments capable of

Huh, interesting, I didn’t know that was a thing. To me it seems pointless, but I bet a bunch of people would definetly lined up and pay for their “tele-autograph” and would hold a good value in some circles.

An actress... whose artistic name is “Julia Graner” you know, a professional whose job is to act like a character of a story that is recorded on video format so people can see it on their closest screen or movie theater. You can use google in case you want to know more details about this specific actress.

Hey Virgin, if you’re reading this DO NOT go to meet Boeing’s lawyers, you could get suicided

No, it’s not that simple. Federated platforms are a good thing it gives users a choice, it gives us options, it’s a more open approach, the type pf thing users have always fought for in the internet and as of lately the EU is fighting for too.
Zuckerberg’s decision makes sense in this case because the guy has been

Yup, the moment the price was announced I knew a bunch of wannabe influencers and some actual content creators would buy it, make some videos and then return it, and here we are. The device is just really expensive, it’s a glorified developer device at this point.

I just wish Sundar was out of the company, Google has been getting worse and worse since he got the CEO chair (and yes, probably he has many enablers on the board). Google used to be my “champion” they were THE tech company doing the right things. Now I can’t even buy their hardware or get fully into one of their

What am I talking about, the very real thing that is happening in many industries, here’s a very good list of all or most of the mass layoffs that have happened recently and as they said in there, even with low unemployment rates, this is happening and according to them 92% of employers are preparing for layoffs next

I mean, typical stupid rich bros gated town scam project aside, they couldn’t have picked a worse time to try and develop make money out of a project like this, we’re on a recession, companies keep firing people in the thousands, price of everything keep getting higher and higher, people are stressed and mad, there’s

I think this thing is too early because, sure, an always ready AI assistant sounds great but although AI has been having huge leaps it’s not ready to do everything you want without actual input from the person. Almost everything they say this thing does assumes it will guess what you need out of a lot of data and it

UVC leds and bulbs are kinda expensive so don’t know how it would get into a lightning set for a show, but you never know... maybe some of those leds might bleed into those spectrums for some weird accidental reason or lack of oversight.

Here you go https://newzoo.com/resources/rankings/top-25-companies-game-revenues

“I think there could have been ways we could have made it work by perhaps reinventing the category of computing between PCs, tablets, and phones,”

So, Apple, the company that bans an uninvites reporters and b/vloggers from their “nice list” all the time if they don’t praise everything they do, doesn’t understand Journalistic freedom?
I. am. shocked! /s

Executives of the entertainment industry. They ruin everything.

Sometimes it feels like we know so much, and sometimes it feels like we know so little... we do have a lot of unanswered questions about the ancient world of the Americas, the first big civilizations that started here like the Olmecas and the Caral are still a big mystery in many ways.