
Uber had a great idea, it had a very successful execution, but the board of directors is just awful, they have proven to be a very unethical company in many aspects, and that’s mainly what have given the Uber brand a bad name, as i said, like 3-4 Uber scandals ago, if they expect to survive all of this, at least

1) Journalists are fascinated by news about journalists, and 2) Nobody else is.

Sorry, but you sound like Lindsay Lohan’s Spray Tan

This is utterly stupid of course and insulting. Having said that, i haven’t been on a situation that requires an abortion, and of course the woman should have the final decision about if she wants to have an abortion or not. i just feel as a man, that in the case that the mother wants to have the child, the father

The movie had great concepts, say what you want about the execution and overall movie, but it has some great anime-like concepts.

looks like a nice DIY project

looks like a nice DIY project

The homunculus thing is new, but i’m pretty sure i that i’ve heard before about the post-apcalyptic world theory were humans lived before them.

So everytime a group of teenagers or young adults do something weird,we call them hipsters? Got it.

Fox News is slowly converting exactly on the news media Trump would like and both make it so obvious, i guess Fox news wants to be to Trump, what RT is to Putin

Yep, grandfathered. I have it too for free but right now there’s only paid subscriptions.

Best. TItle. Ever.

When i learnt about this car on 2013 i was so excited, i have always loved the idea of a tandem car, small, efficient and cheap, many companies and people have promised this in the past but no one has done it. Then here was Elio with something looking very real, then years went by, and here we are with just more

Si creen que el uncanny valley va a detener a la gente de tener sexo con robots,están muy equivocados, digo, gente se ha casado con sus sexdolls o almohadas, creo que el punto del autor va más a la idea de tener robots antropomórficos que no nos incomoden cuando nos asistan con otro tipo de actividades, por ello es

Once i was having sex with my partner, we were playing a little rough, and my penis was aiming to that hole by accident she quickly went “woah woah!” and put it on the right place, it’s not impossible to happen, but as some have pointed out, anal sex needs preparation, you can’t just “slipped it in there”, because it

Yeah welll, tell that to them. Culture or religious related stuff are always very sensitive subjects, even when someone is being abused somehow, they can feel offended by you stepping in... I know it’s nuts! but it’s true. There are a lot of horrible things happening in the world in different cultures, like how

Yes but you read those stories like a bad thing about thise companies, not as something to be proud, that’s the difference.

This is just China being China, for them this shows how hard this people work to make this company and showing that they are the core of their company. For us just shows a horrible working environment. It’s just not the same culture, but yes, with this video know i’m sure i’ll never be working for a chinese company

They should have selled that as a ps vita with dual screen, but as an android tablet, it was just awkward

To be honest, i was one of those guys, and i still don’t understand the DS, of course is mostly targeted to kids and teenagers, but i have never felt the need of buying one. But hey, that’s how the market works sometimes.

This was my favorite