I mean, is sexy clothing for the bedroom, what is wrong with that? If you and/or your partner want to wear that, you buy it, you wear it and you have fun. If you don’t like it, you don’t buy it, don’t wear it and still have a lot of fun.
I mean, is sexy clothing for the bedroom, what is wrong with that? If you and/or your partner want to wear that, you buy it, you wear it and you have fun. If you don’t like it, you don’t buy it, don’t wear it and still have a lot of fun.
I really think YouTube is doing something very bad, they definetly made a bad change to the home site, i no longer see the videos i want to watch, i see things that are popular in my region (things like teenager watch apparently), things i already saw and things that are old. And they never get what i want to watch…
“what if YouTube manipulated their API to prevent third party tools from getting accurate data?” Why would they do that if it only give a negative result?
i think the market of the gay porn is growing (hehehe) so maybe soon it will be more of a thing, they could make the magnificent seven, Beavis & Butthead, the fu..fight club, i mean, there’s a lot of potential people!
You should clarify that the Micro SD as internal storage feature only works for Android Marshmallow and above, i’ve seen many people confused with that one.
Looks very cool but where are you supposed to sleep? On the sofa chair thingy? Or does the floor has cushions?
To be honest, i realised it like 2 episodes prior to the finale, but when someone on the internet said it, and it blow my mind. It all made sense, but i thought that all his bitterness was because he never found Dolores and thought that he will find her with the maze, but realising she was only another host was…
Do you want aluminumiumuium?
Yeah that’s a tough one, your method sounds quite good actually other similar way would be finding some jewelerist that already works with gold, and agrees to mix his legal gold with yours to sell the jewwelry and make a cut. My only concern would be that i think i heard somewhere that there’s a chemical imprint to…
Lol. Comment of the day!
Trump definitely triggered this but the problem goes deeper, America needs to find its equilibrium. Everyone is trying to segregate into groups instead of getting together.
Did IUD tech change in the recent years? because me and a lot of 80's and 90's kids were the result of IUD’s that’s why i remember that at least 15 years ago the IUD wasn’t recommended anymore. So why all of the sudden is an option again?
Is clear that Trump does not support tolerance in many ways (not all) and tolerance is key to embrace a multicultural society like the american one, so kids should know that is bad to not be tolerant to other people cultures, and that’s something that together we should taught to Mr. Trump and other people that needs…
I really have no words...most of America voted for this racist, misogynist, ignorant, loud millionaire, that’s threatening a lot of what America and the world has built in the recent years; tolerance, equality, scientific development, the Paris agreement, all now threatened for who Americans elected as their next…
Wouldn’t one of the advantages of self-driving race be, NOT having to be IN the car?
Me too. She’s a very talented and cultured singer that celebrates her roots.
Fair enough, i gess is just how you see this thing, for the way Nintendo did this and why the people are excited about it, i see it not as a console, but more as a functional nostalgic-toy, that’s why it comes only with a few games, the controllers are short for aesthetic, and a low (but not cheap) price.
You must be so young