At least I’m not the only one
At least I’m not the only one
I guess it could, but let’s just say that for some reasons my nose now can differentiate between decaying food, from feces, from a rotting mouse to rotting human body even if they are in the same place, everything has it’s own particular smell... now let me smell some lillies and forget about that.
“After receiving the box in March 2013, Jia Li wanted to either sell it or return it to Microsoft (to get the laptop he ordered!),” Gilbert told me via gchat. “We weren’t going to buy it.
i don’t think that this is a problem of the name, people since the beggining made the assumption that this thing drives itself when it doesn’t it’s just assistance, but people just don’t get it, i think Tesla needs to give all families that purchase their cars a lesson about what their cars can and cannot do.
If you’re a child: Yes we do!
If you’re an adult: Sorry but you’re adulting wrong!
What is wrong with giving a job to inmates and experience for a better reintegration to society (other than explotation) and at the same time help the soldiers?
To use AWS amazon wanted me to send a fax with my ID... a fax!... Amazon the king of the e-commerce wanted me to send a fax in 2016. That was the most WTF moment i had in years.
Oh sorry! i didn’t knew a foreigner, could correct me without proofs about a subject that happens around me and that i’ve actually study, so sorry.
The problem is that you read what you want from what i wrote, of course racism is not a problem of one country, but there’s a big racial problem right now in USA because of several recent events, also in a lot of latin countries right now the problem is not so much racism but classism, and the same happens in India…
Ok, i know the racial problem in USA is huge and this is a sensitive moment, but come on, the avatars in Pokemon Go are really constrained by nature, you are a girl with a pony-tail or a boy with a weird anime hair style, that’s it. I don’t look in any way to the avatar on the game not because of my skin tone but…
Am i the only one who doesn’t have a problem with these changes? I’m not crazy for the game but i enjoy it,i’m only level 7, but from the beginning i noticed that it was too easy to catch pokémon, i was expecting it to be a little more challenging, also i don’t worry about pokeballs, i’m almost always at full without…
So people are mad becuse they can’t cheat?... ok. I guess when you have something and they take it from you, this is the normal response. In my case i’ve never used one of this trackers and i don’t see the problem, the game is fun as it is, for me the trackers where too much of a cheat, also i guess if people keeps…
I guess one of the big news i remember was the financial crisis in my country in 94 so a little before O.J. And lady Di.
I was thinking of the advantages of hyperloop over a plane, and my train of thought just made me realize that there’s going to be TSA agents and 3 hour lines for the hyperloop also! The tsa will kill the hyperloop dream before some seats.
Pipa de Crack
with your new Apple Car only iphones will work with the system,and if it stops working you have to bring it to an Apple car service shop or you’ll lose your warranty, also the 500 screws in the hood with glue won’t help. All of this in a wonderful unapollogetic piece of aluminum.
now give me a version that can last 20 min and i’ll be throwing money to the screen
Better than thaat why nor replace the computer on the F1? I mean instead of trying to upgrade the handling, why not upgrade the whole thing, if they have the schematics and those cars are so valuable, then a new computer is something doable.
Ok, you have a very good point but i don’t get your example, we get rid of paper towels and we replace it in what way? Blowers? No. So?
You know, ive been wondring about this but i can’t find a definitiva answer. The blower uses metal, oil and electronic parts, and then is assembled and transported then in the place, it uses electricity (it uses a lot since it uses a fast motor), so all of this process can pollute a lot. on the other hand you have…