Hey guys look! we made a very efficient small car for cities and it’s great yay!, what? manufacturing it and sell it? lol no, with that cost it’s not practical. Maybe in 20 years yay!
So this anime was made with a lot of characters that look occidental, and excuse me but Motoko looks european and even latin why do you guys want to cast an asian woman? I think Ghost in the shell is all about looking over these racial things and see that everyone has a “ghost” that’s why this whole thing is…
hmm maybe if i save a little money i can win some local cyclist races...
Well they’re checking the bycilces before the race, in that moment the thermanl camera wouldn’t be useful, they would have to use them in secrecy while the race is happening and use the info after the race is done. I don’t know too much about race rules or politics but i don’t think this would be easy to put into the…
I can’t thank you enough for this, RIP sticky-frosted spider
also the poor poor birds
You want to anchor your screen on a virtual space, so it needs to track your head movements, so yeah it would need aprogram like this one.
I’m baffled a company you would think is serious like Nintendo would give the trolls the reason, this is awful, how can they do something like this?
Wait. You don’t?
Wth is a white country?
Not in this case, planned obsolence is made for the conumers, in this case companies (sometimes even the car maufacturers) could be the ones “owning” the cars and making the service available, for them the planned obsolence of a car would be the worst and they can demand sturdier vehicles (kind of like a public bus is…
That’s what worries me and not because of me, but because if this turns out to be a real problem, people will stop using them, and we’re back to square one.
That is an amazing car, but what’s up with that video? it’s like the lens was so greasy.
Think about it, you have to travel the world, answering the same questions over and over again without saying it in the exact same way, always looking happy and interesting. Obviously sometimes what you say won’t come out as you think it will, also you have to keep in mind every other answer you gave about a subject,…
This post ignored the real problem as the original one. The reason why in the future we will still need traffic lights is not about cars, is about pedestrians. Cities and towns where intersections with traffic lights exists it’s because people walks and cross those roads, cities are made for people not for cars and…
Oh boy
Nope, this will have lower graphic capabilities and you still need to live in PS land. VR is a Niche market, some people will love the PS solution also because it’s cheaper, some will prefer a PC solution which is definetly more expensive but more open solution.
But will all the stuff under the hood be glued up and put inside an aluminum unibody box with the only cap full of proprietary screws?