
I won’t go too deep because i don’t care too much about this case but i think that the internet reaction (see what i did) is too much. Did these guys were wrong on trying to copyright the word “react” and not be clear with what kind of content they were trying to protect? Yes. Did the F#$% up big time trying to

i just hope you’re a random 15 year old troll and not someone making important decisions

You just won the internet

Yep he did it again with better footage


Apple not letting other company show the capabilities of their closed platform, even when they have a partnership? I am Shocked! That’s not how Apple does things, they’re so kind with other brands and enterprises.

External GPU’s for laptops have existed before the alienware one... by a lot.

So...what’s the problem? ok it’s not a good piece of art and it isn’t also so good for raising awareness, but how is this racist? Really

Ok now i just need a bunch of radioactive materials and some sharks with lasers... does anybody knows the secret coordinates to the evil-mart?

I have no one to blame but myself for clicking into this post.

The most tricky thing is to make sure all your components are compatible with eachother and that you’ll get the best performance of that combination, it’s not that hard but you can follow the builds of other people to get an idea of the best combination for you.

And also there is people that think we still are in a witch hunting era and the capitalism is the best thing ever...

I see a big problem with saying “allies” “good white person” like we were differet types of humans with different morals or something. We’re all in the same side, we don’t want any human to be hurt and get an injust treatment, in the US we have a problem were a group is treating another group with injustice, ok, so

I was expecting some flying droids, but nothing.

Too 90’s?


Woah! too many “Get of my lawn” people in the comments.

I think the problem is this guy, seriously you can’t separate your view of two persons who have the same name?

if only i had a use for it...

if only i had a use for it...

what i learn from the comments is that sex is like food, not everyone likes the same thing,and what you think is great for others is awful.