
Agree to dissagree, 69 is the best, yes it can be a little tricky when their’s a big height difference and the neck can get tired but it is awesome for both.

Yes, this is the silliest thing.i don’t know who thought this was a good idea and why car manufaacturers keepdoing it “yes let’s put plastic caps over the motor parts, so when someone opens the hood they can’t see the motor or what they need to check until they remove the plastic, we’re so clever!”


What is the best way of whitening the teeth and not cause damage to them?

Thank you! i’ll be checking out those, i’ve loved Time of Eve, Ghost in the Shell SAC and PsychoPass

Could someone suggest me some good sci-fi? i love that type of anime but it’s getting hard to find new stuff.

And this is why we have so many security problems with the average user. You have on your phone your adress, adress and phone numbers of your family, credit card info, access to a lot of your personal information and accounts including bank accounts on your mails, etc.

You’re welcome girlfriend of this guy

I thoght this was just another Twitter meltdown but wow this was a really good story, i couldn’t stop until i read everything, damn.

Can someone please explain me what’s wrong with accepting youtube red’s deal? I really don’t get what’s wrong with it.

Right? You name it “The white pearl” and you painted almost military gray?

i don’t like the square grill, but overall it looks pretty good.

That’s a very good price for that battery, although i have a 13,000 mAh Huwaei battery that cost me around $16, it doesn’t have quick charge but i don’t really need it right now.

That’s a very good price for that battery, although i have a 13,000 mAh Huwaei battery that cost me around $16, it

to be fair, i think all the fighters are trash

I always thought this was a great concept, i still want to see it becoming a reality

Last year i bought a matress on line, it wasn’t one of this ones (i’m in México) but it had a good offer and turned out to be comparable with matress with more than double the price. Also i love this matress it helped me to sleep better. Best on line purchase ever.

This guy wins

I liked this one

Lol , this guy wins