
It seems odd that Lockheed would run this.

Having guessed right about the helmet liner being crushed, I’ll take a stab at proactive measures: the goal of crash safety equipment should be to keep the deceleration as even as possible, over as much time as possible — half the g’s over twice the time is much less harmful. The helmet has to handle even faster

I defer to your greater wisdom. I did look for other pictures of muscular kangaroos and they all seemed to be the same kangaroo, or not as muscular, but I wasn’t very thorough.

Nah, it’s muscular hypertrophy. Probably mutation in myostatin gene:

Porsche engines weigh far, far more than Subaru’s — compare Porsche flat-6 vs Subaru EZ30/36. So aside from wiring, transmission, cooling, and brakes, you’d have to adjust the suspension, and the handling would still be off.

The BRZ has maybe the lowest drag (CdA, not just Cd) of anything in current production, and the lowest weight of anything with enough room for this drivetrain. So, maybe not so surprising.

This is the result of one excessive ARB - it always settles/flattens the other end at the cost of potentially lifting a wheel on the installed end.

The result of excessive anti-roll bars is less-independent suspension overall, closer to a deDion/live axle.

Third gear both days:

A track car where you can’t change coolant to pure water and back without a tech? Seems stupid.

Bugatti is the ur-example in cars, going back to the ’20s, but they’re all basically Bleu de France, which goes back to the 12th century.

If I could trust it enough to not have to head-check, it would be a godsend, since I wouldn’t have to take my eyes off the car in front.

Only supposed to go off when you signal or turn towards another vehicle, so no. Still seems pointless, though.

Type 3 looks goofy and unbalanced without a bumper. Outlaw 356 all the way.

Gremlins holds up to my age and its own (the same). Not so Explorers, judging by the half hour I could stand to watch it. I did jump forward to a coupla later scenes to see if it gets better: nope, worse. There are at least ten inarguably better movies (for adults, at least) being added on April 1.

The title oversells it. As you finally note in the last paragraph, this is just a tiny bit of the process — one of the most boring bits, really. I have to check valve clearances on my bike every 3000 miles, so whooptie-freakin’-do. The Porsche 918, Veyron, etc. factory videos are 1000x more interesting.

Race car = no HVAC = no defrogger? The wipers are doing their jobs, it’s the mist and interior fogging that are the problem.

The nominal(static) 13:1 is misleading. What really matters is dynamic CR, from intake valve close to TDC. Mazda’s Dynamic CR isn’t that high, because they delay intake close to create an overexpansion/Atkinson cycle for efficiency. The tradeoff is lower hp/L. Other Atkinson engines have high static CR as well, e.g.

Look at the native title. Korean has more circly and squiggly bits, as in NK’s name for the language:

The EPS liner should be soft enough to compress by the time you’re getting a lateral concussion. If you had a rotational concussion, it may not matter. 6D, that company Sean’s written about, recommends for their helmets that they be inspected by a “qualified technician,” specifically their own. Short of sending it

Well, if he were just parroting Nelson’s use of a classist pejorative, yeah, that’d be oblivious at best. But he actually linked to the wiki page, instead of a condescending source like the urbandictionary page.