
The distinction is literally made in the article.

If personal AC is going to be a thing, hopefully they can miniaturize a phase change heat pump.  Peltier is just super inefficient.

I have somewhere over 1000 tabs open in FireFox, and it runs fine. Whereas Chrome bogs down with barely 100. Seems like that makes Chrome poorly coded, since this result scales down to 100 FF vs 10 Chrome tabs on weaker systems as well.

The article opens with “I live for all things pink” so the headline is just a little weird, not wrong.

Harassers will generally go after those lower on the totem pole, so the harassed are ‘less valuable’ and easier to get rid of, nevermind any latent sexism in the HR department. And thus the structures of power and abuse perpetuate themselves.

There's no good place for a front door to slide to.

If they were gonna crush it, they probably would have by now.  It's worth nothing in parts.

The game has three remaining, related problems that annoy a lot of people and keep me from a NG+ JGM run:

Well, they finally seem to have fixed the comment coding, just in time for the group to implode from loss of talent.

Not a terrible deal for base configs, but sweet baby Jesus those are Mac RAM upgrade prices.

Not a terrible deal for base configs, but sweet baby Jesus those are Mac RAM upgrade prices.


Oh happy day! Microsoft’s similar moves are almost irrelevant as long as their once-exclusives are dreck like Gears 4. Bring on the Icos, Colossus’ Shadows, and Our Lasts. Without dicking around with emulation.

You’ve gotten it backwards though.  They make a system, then sell it at a loss, to sell games.  They don’t want to sell more Playstations per se.  And even if they wanted to sell PS4's as an end in itself, it’s irrelevant with such an old game.

Yours is the standard apologia, so I’ll repeat what I said elsewhere:

Impressed in general, but:

That this is y’all’s most recent article on OW now after the finals that just happened is hilarious.

Depends. Much of crunch is overtime, which is even more expensive unless exempt. They’ve just felt pressured to meet deadlines regardless, in the past.

Reactive armor counters anti-tank (e.g. HEAT) rounds.  It has no relevance vs. small arms.

Regardless of fixing this one issue, you should disable RDP if you’re not using it.

I feel the same, which is why I used paypal.