
I've made this point before here, but this constitutes a change in contract. Something that Verizon plan customers have 30 days to cancel your account without any penalty. So if you are really unhappy about this and you are not eligible for an upgrade right now, then you may want to move carriers... though I have no

Does anyone know if he has plans to return to the bottom again any time soon?

You learn something every day. I didn't realize that French was one of the official languages of Belgium. That's what I was supposed to take from this, right?

Just a thought... Texas' record for highest recorded temperature is 120 degrees F and was set back in the thirties and then repeated in 1994. Their warmest year (average) statewide happened in 1921. Are we 90 years late screaming for global warming or is this study just BS?

Yes, but a ship like this is built one at a time and takes months to complete. It isn't an assembly line atmosphere. While I doubt there was a huge emotional attachment to the boat, I'm sure the workers who built it were/are very proud of the specific parts of the boat they worked on.

I hope you understood that was a joke. It would be funny if you said "where I'm from" and then literally meant China. Of course Chinese would be customary on any holiday. Oh well, I think I'm the only one who found that funny.

Do you come from China?

Just use the keyboard shortcut (Win + D) That is the quickest way I know of.

Ok, I know this is different, but what about my US Patent? It's like a copyright in that i have ownership of it, yet, someone in Australia has used my patent for use in Australia. As such, I have no legal claim to enforce the ownership of my patent unless this manufacturer brings my patented product into the US and

Did you hear her Howard Stern interview/performance? It was way better than her radio releases. I'm not a fan of hers but liked the acoustic versions of her songs played on nothing more than a piano.

Any idea on where I can get these?

How awesome would it be if major bands released tracking for songs so that we could create our own mix of a song? I use pro-tools and would love to get my hands on some of that raw tracking.

No one has pointed out the obvious flaw. It looks like it holds the tv pretty flush with the wall. That does not give very much room for your hdmi cable or power cord that stick out the back of your tv. I would be concerned that this design would then create a pressure point on between your hdmi cable and your

EHN's example of why this is a problem is limited to going on a binge where side effects may be attributed to increased levels of BVO. I've made this point before, here, but whatever happened to moderation? Sure, binge drinking soda is bad for you, but so is binge drinking water. People actually die from drinking

How does it support it? Let's take a look (and assume you aren't a pilot):

Thank you, that makes a lot more sense.

Spotify works with AppleTV now. I'm not sure if this is known widely, but a quick search on the net shows that you still need to use a program called Airfoil which costs money... This is not true. I have spotify and it streams perfectly (with album art and all) to my AppleTV. Am I late to the party and everyone

"According to the book Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler, Hitler was already dead—after leaving behind two daughters—by the time the house was sold to José Rafael Trozzo in 1970."