
iOS 5 is Live

Well if it moves faster than light, and time moves "backwards," wouldn't the particles be detected before they were sent?

Question: If AT&T changes your data usage (throttling), is that considered a change in contract? If so, do their standard rules apply for changes in contract to have 30 days to opt out of your contract and cancel your service with no fee?

Let's break the record, but instead of doing a picture, let's just put them in randomly. Sure it will look bad, but we will beat the world record!

I agree that it is cool to know where these things are and I don't feel that it puts anyone in danger for knowing where they are. One question though, if one of these cable bundles is cut, does the traffic just flow elsewhere or does it cut all communication?

I understand that a pilot in an F/A-18 or F/15 can pull greater G's for shorter amounts of time, but I would have to imagine that launching in a shuttle is a hell of a lot of fun... oh and scary as you hope the bomb you're riding in doesn't blow up. I wish I could designate where my tax dollars go, I would give it

They need 12K, but how much did they buy the island for?

I couldn't agree more and I don't know how to promote you so I will just respond and say, "well done, sir"

So does this mean NASA can get some funding back?

I agree. Follow up question though, and maybe ties to your idea the it comes down to the photographer, but....

"That is the ultimate and important lesson of Pope Benedict's surprise pronouncement about condom use. In an interview with the author of a newly published book, the pontiff said that in some cases, using a condom would represent "a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility."

I know, but it is even worse when someone is "deceased." At least with diseases they can still use their facebook but you're all like, "Oh sorry you have Lupus, I hope things work out."

Commensurate... proportionate; of a similar measurable standard.

Cite your sources... Or is this just opinion?

"Preserving the common good of society requires rendering the aggressor unable to inflict harm. For this reason the traditional teaching of the Church has acknowledged as well-founded the right and duty of legitimate public authority to punish malefactors by means of penalties commensurate with the gravity of the

"As the NYT reports, the FAA only adds a problem to its safety inspection checklists once it's a known problem with a given plane."

Have you ever owned a business? I doubt it. And if you did, it was probably a small business where you didn't provide dental, optical, and health insurance for your employees. I also conjecture that you didn't provide a matching program for a 401k. I'm sure you didn't spend any money on developing a training

Listen, I hate Best Buy as for the a much as the next guy, but I can say that in the three years I worked there in college, I never saw this being practiced. I'd like to believe that this was true, but I find it hard to believe. The only time that I know Best Buy "held" product, was if they had the product in the

I understand your point of view, but I will respectively disagree. First and foremost, let's talk about the "victim" in a typical tazer incedent. They are doing something wrong that has caused the police to show up. Secondly, a police officer may brandish the weapon. What person, in their right mind, knowing the

Load balancing can be done on the fly when consumption is gradual. This gives an opportunity for controllers to evaluate the situation and transfer power from one place to another or shed loads on non critical areas. If consumption goes up at an unexpected rate, it decreases the amount of time to react to the