
Yeah, not a fan of that gimmick, especially for Bob's. BB has had a lot of different celebrity guests before without all the fanfare. Why Shumer?

Yeah, it's the same voice from Season One's Crawl Space, which makes it so much better, with the continuity and all.

Linda will just have to make a few more controlled bounces to get by. They're fine!

God, I really want a McLecklin.

Just remember who her dad is, and how many arguments HE has had with inanimate objects. Might not be exactly like Tina, but nut, falling, too far, not, etc…

Oh yeah, Jordan, aka Ghost Boy! Forgot about him. I'd probably make it a tie with him and Chad, who's the zombie new kid who didn't have a lab partner, so teacher put him with Tina and Jimmy Jr. Jordan and Chad had pretty much the same personality.

Josh is by far the best for Tina, but he's too perfect. He'd drag her into a healthy, normal relationship. There's no fun in that!

My order now for Tina:

I'm going to call every jerk I meet "Plops."

Well, it's healthier than her imagining herself going out with the whole zombie basketball team. At least on one level…I think…

That's interesting. I don't know if they should address it completely, but more quick comments/references/examples of Jimmy and Linda having conversations or whatnot outside of Bob would be fun to see. Seriously, what is that all about?

It might be that Jimmy didn't want the money going to the Belchers. It is Jimmy Pesto.

I'm totally shipping Tina and Jericho. J-Ju has no chance.

You slice gold? I'm impressed…

Just when she think she's out, those cheeks will pull her right back in!

Honestly, this is probably the only thing I struggled with in this episode. C'mon, Bob, you're better than that!

Wouldn't that be Boo Lou Ru?

I also loved that they acknowledged Tina as the only one who's really making any sacrifices here. So salient, that point…

Definitely, because as you know, Trev IS the fifth Pesto.

Didn't think about it, but I see your point. Trev was oddly missing, with a few opportunities to heighten Pesto's mob thing. As for J-Ju, I'm fine without him. I think his presence would've just muddied the Tina/Louise/Boyz4Now storyline. I think that's why he wasn't in the concert episode at all, when they could've