
C'mon, Galaxy Quest!

I've been saying it since that episode, we need to have Helen back. There's way too much there to just let it be a one-off

"Mmawp. Mmawp. MMAWWP!"

I don't know. He is scared of snakes, rollercoasters, the back of a hearse, shower ghosts, etc. I think he's actually the easiest to scare in the family.

Hard to say; one's a pile of fatty meat that needs to be continually positioned by handlers on set during movie shoots, and the other Louise created out of ground beef.

After accepting the fact that he knows who Salman Rushdie is, I'm not putting anything past this kid…

Yes. That soulful turn she makes as she suggests that she and Derek should "make a reunion."

Counterpoint: Derek Dematopolis.

I think Gayle is redeemable. The best episode for her character was when Louise ran away to avoid the dentist. That showed a more rounded, humanizing portrait of Gayle. I trust the BB team to get back to that Gayle at some point.

How about an episode devoted to Zeke AND Jocelyn???

A subplot that I'd like to have seen in this episode: Ms. Schnur and Enrique, the food delivery guy. There's something there, and you know it!

Weekend at Mort's!
We're gonna have a Weekend at Mort's!
Uh-uh UH!

Yes! but in my mind's eye, this will always be Bobby:

People thought their constant bickering could ignite something between them. Never on the Logan train, and definitely not after the Larger Brother, Where Fart Thou? episode. If you can find any romantic spark between the two after that…

One of my favorites:
Gene: I want to be the bad boy of ice pushing, like Elvis Stojko!
RSR: And I want to be the bad boy of public radio, like Elvis Mitchell!

That last part may be true, but dammit, us fans want more consistency in their scheduling! Stop jerking us around!

Doesn't it make sense that Tina and Jimmy Jr. got so close because of the robot setup? I remember back in the day when chatrooms and instant messaging were the new thing, and my gawd, how quickly these teen and tween relationships escalated in intensity (and obviously the phone did the same thing before all of that).

I was on the Zeke Train for a while, also, but it does make sense. Also, I think the whole love triangle would get messy and would demand resolution, considering the ambiguous yet intense relationship bewteen Jimmy Jr. and Zeke.

What I want is to see is an appearance by (former?) Mrs. Pesto, if only to make sure Alan really is ok.

Jocelyn's reactions to Tammy and Louise were the best possible reactions to that volley.