
I'm still ok with the Bob/Jimmy rivalry, but it is in danger of becoming stale. It seems like Bob is ready to let this go, but Jimmy didn't show any signs of maturing. I think if the show's really going to close the book on this, it would need Jimmy to mature. I can't see Bob continually take his crap just because he

One more thing about Bob calling off the hit. I think if this was the main story of the episode, he'd so go through with it, to escalate the tension, with Bob reaching for a truce later. He's already said how pathetic Jimmy is with his faux Italian persona, so him seeing it here as a reason to stop doesn't seem as

Exactly. I think it just accentuates the fact that she loses herself in her obsessive crush on Boo Boo.

Not to be outright mean, for sure, but he definitely doesn't let things go easily.

At the very least, it's a small part of his personality. Linda knew he wasn't going to let the broken helicopter go before he said it, so it seems to be a recurring thing with him.

Oh, by the way, Bob can be very spiteful, Art Crawl and Lil Hard Dad being a couple big examples.

I think that Bob did outgrow, somewhat, the rivalry, but I can't see Jimmy not making it an issue whenever he shows up. For it to really be done, Jimmy will have to come to terms that it was unnecessary, or else it ends up being a one sided rivalry

I'm split on this episode. I think that it was well done in terms of strengthening Tina and Louise's relationship, but I felt that there wasn't as much humor in this, and the pacing just felt slow, or at least off. I think if the subplot was as zany as the wine shoes story, it would've filled that gap.

I've been saying that there needs to be a love triangle of sorts with Louise, Regular Sized Rudy, and Boo Boo.

What are some of the best requests?

I understand what you mean about the 100k. Seriously, who in their position would really give it back like that? But they've addressed Bob's desire to do it his way, stemming from his days in his dad's diner He seems so obsessed with doing it his way, that the rejection of that type of money seems logical through the

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So, you're saying you want to see another food truck episode?

I agree with Alasdair in that this was a bit subpar, especially if you compare it to some of the other ones this season. There were some good bits here and there, but what I'm really excited about is the presence of Warren Fitzgerald in the Belchers' world. Now they have a rich guy who's legitimately on their side.


At this point, I trust the writers wholeheartedly with whatever they do with this; they really haven't gone wrong with anything to this point. J-Ju has never shown any interest in Tina since her birthday without having someone else show her interested first. But that butt, tho…

I think we're all still waiting on that Bob's Burgers album. I'm guessing that this one should make the cut.

Time for the charm bomb to explode.

His hair was definitely greasy.

Yes, and his seemingly sincere offer of a handful of ice cream. That's the clip they'd show for his nomination for the Best Dad of the Year award.