
They're made by Nutex because if you use them, you'll have an "ex" set of nuts.

Truenorth is correct, a single plane probably can't do it. Fortunately we have the capability to take out an entire nation without ever leaving home...of course that nation's neighbors won't be very appreciative, and I'm afraid neither will we.


elenath ,

LOL. not a big spender at all. Just love German cars (even though I know Asian cars are better reliability wise). All of my cars have been new, but the lower costing versions (3 series, A4, C-Class etc.) Maybe that's why the sucked? The best vehicle I've ever had was a GMC Yukon...you just couldn't tear that thing up.

Well Sam, to be fair, Moses didn't start the burning bush...God did, and maybe he used a tablet and maybe he didn't.


Maybe it's the largest insect by weight?



I wonder which colour gum is most prevalent on that wall. I'd like to get a multi million government grant to do a 5 year study.

I prefer 7-Up...

@flavioparenti ,

I think this ad is great...I see several people in it that I know.

Actually, Android runs on it...

Then I'd gander to guess that Samsung wasn't on your list to begin with...

They're trying to make it fun and edgy...maybe give you a laugh as you get diagnosed with real cancer.


When you are old and frail you are going to die ...or do you think you are special and you won't die?

I 100% agree with you on the reflex response. But would a disclaimer from the knife company saying "please do not try to catch knives" really stop that reflex action? We all know, or ought to know anyway, not to try and catch a knife. It certainly would help defend against a lawsuit from an idiot who invariably will