“Why doesn’t Volkswagen just keep ‘testing mode’ on all the time?” Apparently doing so would cause the cars to fall apart.
“Why doesn’t Volkswagen just keep ‘testing mode’ on all the time?” Apparently doing so would cause the cars to fall apart.
This is the first time in this entire experience that I’ve found myself actually pissed off. What a bunch of fuckers.
Lying to the government is only ok if you’re a politician.
A little ironic given your user name though...
Most of the world is actually even more racist than America is. Most Americans just don’t realize this because they live in a bubble where there are only two countries:
If you have ever been to China this will come as no surprise. I was starting to actually believe my name was “Round Eye” after about two days.
If you play a game for 50 hours and ask for a refund you are a lame ass.
“How dare you sit there and blame white people for the problems of the minority communities. After all, aren’t you half white? Didn’t two white parents adopt you, after yours weren’t willing to raise you?!”
You wish you became a lawyer to issue pointless lawsuits? You would fit right in. that is what most of us love about this job...
I take serious issue with "Drunk, French Kids" in the headline. That's just appalling, I'm surprised this kind of verbose redundancy made it past Patrick's watchful eye.
LS1/2 GTO.
I 100% agree with this. It bothers me as well when people refer to curbing carbon emissions as “saving the planet.” The planet doesn’t give a fuck about us and will be here long after we’re dead, as you said. I think people just want to sound selfless. Fuck that.
Did you spend your childhood in a protective bubble? Getting your hands/arms caught in car doors is kind of a quintessential childhood experience, right up there with touching a hot stove and sticking coins into electric outlets.
Think about little kids, who are basically tiny drunks. They do things we think are stupid all day long.
how often do we get to enjoy a trail of smoke rising off the legendary hills and curves of Road Atlanta?
Maybe it’s the wide angle lens, but that didn’t look like an impossible spot to me.
As a former owner, it’s never a better choice.