Lol, go tell that to all their investors!
Lol, go tell that to all their investors!
At-least the auto makers he’s calling out can make a profit.
So what they are saying is that if you can fill it up without using a hydrant... game on.
When [Modest Mouse lead singer Isaac] Brock left the scene he backed into a cop car, but he just drove off. Sometimes life is okay.
Here’s the problem, manufacturers are in business to sell cars to actual living breathing people, not fairytales like the hypothetical “you.”
I read this and all I see is that they are seriously enchanted magic items.
It’s always as if it’s the first time these people have ever tried something like this! Obviously the ideal location to do this is on a crowded city center street or a narrow road lined with trees! How about an empty parking lot with nothing to hit.
Fuck a mid engined corvette.
Yeah as soon as he said get it with an auto I stopped reading.
900hp or 90hp, I can find fun in either one. I guess I'm just lucky that way.
I really dislike this line about how Musk never planed on making money on cars and just wanted to move the industry along. If that was the case the company should not be public its as simple as that. Once its public he has an obligation to make money one day for the companies owners.
I also disagree they are that far…
No new supply chain for Model 3, and no cash reserves. Please remind me of how this company is going to be around in ten years?
More of a case of hurry-up and half-baked than "first time"issues. They had a few really bad ideas, especially on the Model-X, that should not have made it out of a concept meeting, but ended up on the vehicle. While other aspects of the vehicles are not well thought out and implemented. It also does not seem like…
Looks more like Marcus’s kinda girl.
This screams midwest stripper to me. So, she probably works at a chili’s now. That or an Applebees.
“Let’s put people to death for threatening Facebook posts! “
I love everything about this story.
And was he speeding in the presence of other cars?
Disappointed? Because they didn’t ruin his life over a victimless crime. Reminds me of every time I’m disappointed over the slap on the wrist almost every Police Officer gets when he commits a crime that otherwise would result in you or I spending serious time in a cage.
Sounds about right, haha. We’re getting older, wiser, and more cynical.