The Camry is a dependable car. Not a bad choice.
The Camry is a dependable car. Not a bad choice.
Chevrolet SS. Is there any question?
The answer is clearly a Toyota Camry Hybrid with a CVT.
I hate Apple for this (hence I own Android), but the dev going around acting like/counting on their game being so “artistic” they get some magical exception, then raising hell like it is some cosmic injustice when they are told that their sexual petting simulator doesn’t meet Apple’s standards is just eye-roll worthy.…
Wait, women don’t have orgasms because our sex education is shitty? I’ll remember to tell my GF that next time SHE fails to reach orgasm.
Literally have the exact opposite opinion of yours. Chris Evans is a hyperactive freak, while LeBlanc at least has decent chemistry with some of the guests, like his rapper friend on the SUV journey. The chemistry is what counts, so if they brought in Jenson Button or someone a bit more restrained and a lot more…
Why do we apply the term “daily driver” to dull cars? People want to be bored daily? Seems a daily driver should be the most exciting car you can find.
Well, you’re not the police. Every time you decide to stay in the passing lane when faster traffic is obviously coming up on you, you’re basically deciding to try and enforce laws. This is never wise unless you have the lights, gun, and badge.
People forget that they are not the police; morality or literal. Then they meet the more effective asshole.
“Damnit why did I friend Burglar Steve?” the foolish Facebooker lamented. It was the millionth time that a Facebook user had told people they were leaving their home briefly, only to find it empty by the time they returned.
News Channel 4 reports that the driver of the red Nissan 300ZX was trying to pass another car...
Moral of the story, sadly: just let the assholes get their way and go past you/cut in/etc.
Truck driver is an asshole, no doubt, but why the hell does it take someone 30 seconds to pass a car? That’s not passing, that’s blocking traffic.
Not justifying the truck here, but the Z driving stupid slow in the left lane is exactly the kind of shit that needs to not happen on highways in this country. He’s making absolutely no effort to pass and should be fined for impeding traffic, despite being the victim of a vehicular assault.
Edit: To add, I was always…
simple fact that the camera person had camera ready to go indicates there were prior shenanigans. Maybe the filming was of tailgating, but i have doubts
Let me first say the truck driver should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and there is no excuse for the truck driver’s actions.
Neutral: Rand McNally
They should have! He could sue them for discrimination or something if they didn’t serve him.
I don’t want a new one either.
I’d also prefer an old Kia.... FOR ME TO POOP ON!