Well played, sir.
Well played, sir.
Why would points vs. electronic make a difference? If there’s enough voltage for the coil there should be enough for the electronic ignition.
Here’s a thought. They could make autonomous cars nigh-indestructible with basically an interior made entirely out of airbags. A collision with a highway embankment at, say, 70mph could be survivable with minimal injury. In that case, it would make the calculations a lot easier. Avoid all possible other…
Considering I only run the A/C in my car maybe 15 days per year (mostly only when caught in a rain shower), this wouldn’t do me much good.
Why would they need to close off the condenser? The condensation comes off the evaporator, which is enclosed inside the internal vent ducting.
I like how someone who disagrees with you is uninformed, despite the fact that reality is on my side (companies moving labor outside the country for lower wages) and not yours. I’m not sure what your argument is, other than some general “they can make it work” theory, but you’ve provided no solutions as to how. I…
Yep, electronics require a fairly steady line voltage to operate correctly. If it drops too low, it messes up every clock in the computer and everything's gets out of whack.
Yes, this is the distinction I’d like answered definitively. I guess we need to remove the battery from a pre-OBD car, bridge the terminals, and try to push-start it. Any volunteers?
Right, but what happens if you remove the battery completely (or it’s completely dead/dry), bridge the terminals and try push-starting? Will it work?
That’s completely irrelevant to my question.
I never realized alternators had electromagnets in the rotor. I feel like this is something I should have known.
“Everyone deserves a livable wage”, followed by “[but] not [from] American plutocrats”. So it matters who we get our livable wages from now? Sorry, but this is the way business is. Labor is stupid expensive in the US, and yet is the cheapest and easiest thing to replace. Most manufacturing has dumbed the jobs down…
Yep! Which is why it plowed straight into the ground.
400hp hybrid V6. *yawn*. Next you’ll tell me it’s front-wheel drive.
Still won’t work with a nose-heavy car like an ‘80s FWD compact. Theoretically something with a 50/50 weight distribution would stay at the takeoff angle given no linear acceleration/deceleration at the point of liftoff affecting rotation. But then you’d just slam down back-first and probably break your spine even…
But why isn’t anyone wearing it? Oh yeah, because carbon fiber would be horribly uncomfortable to wear. Unless the entire thing is lined with something.
The electric car: Electric Bolt.
More than never.
I did read the article, what kind of nincompoop skips to comments on something they didn’t read?
I didn’t feel horses were bad at all in the beta. The horse itself was hard to kill, sure, but just aim for the rider and sidestep so you don’t get road killed. I do think the sword range could stand to shrink a tad (say 10-15%), but otherwise I was fine with horses.