
Everything about this story is unconventional.

She died doing what she loved: slut shaming Katy Perry.

It’s a battle between the notoriously misogynistic, predator-shielding Catholic church and their slut-shaming morals. And Katy Perry. I’m learning that nuns can be both marginalized and assholes. 🤷🏾‍♀️

I expected to be with the nuns on this, and on some level I am, but I find their reasoning thoroughly unsympathetic.

They did. They’re full of shit and trying to get the most money they can out of the deal but keep saying they changed their mind because Katy is a Whore, basically.

Our Sisters were supposed to live for the rest of our lives at our beloved Convent. But, against our will, the Archdiocese removed us to “monetize” our property. 

What the fuck are you talking about? Mitch went to a simple majority to confirm Gorsuch. A couple of democrats did vote for him (exactly 2) but it did not matter. THIS WASN’T THE DEMOCRATS CAVING IN THIS WAS US ELECTING A REPUBLICAN SENATE!! We as voters need to take fucking responsibility for what we did.

Meanwhile in the 80s those Golden Girls were buying condoms in bulk.

As someone in a similar situation with a friend who’s dating a guy that I don’t think is much of an improvement over her shitty ex-husband, do I tell her how I feel about this guy just based off of bad vibes (he kept mocking her intelligence the entire time we were playing Cards Against Humanity, even though shes

I’m sure lots of people will weigh in saying she should have said something sooner but considering there are people who don’t believe women even with irrefutable proof, “bad vibes” is the kind of statement that can end up soliciting eyerolls from everyone. And unfortunately, having a boss who is preoccupied with your

When I confessed my sexual harassment story to a guy I used to work with, his response was “I always felt something was off about that guy and I could never figure out what it was. I figured I was being crazy, turned out he was sexually harassing a bunch of women in the office.” Sometimes you get a vibe and you don’t

Oh definitely. Female characters were always enduring every single bad thing that could happen if she has premarital sex whereas the guys were either pushing for sex before or a passive character after the fact.

I’m generally pretty eyerolly about karma and energy and that kind of shit, but this is absolutely relatable to me. It’s like meeting a friend’s new boyfriend, feeling vaguely disquieted but having absolutely no specific reason to speak ill of him...and then come to find out years later that he was an abusive,

Looking back on it, you can see the red flag in Cosby’s hyper-fixation on virginity. For example, when Denise elopes and comes home, Cliff asks his new son-in-law if his daughter was a virgin on their wedding night. When the SIL confirmed she was, Cliff has this creepy grin on his face. (I think it was meant to be

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!

I would like to join this group even if it turns out to be a cult.

And I would be okay with restructuring our government to fit that. Alas, I doubt that would happen short of a revolution, so the next best thing is adding this other role.

I think it’s very telling that the two Presidents most catastrophic for the United States both came from the entertainment industry.


Thiiiis! The one link between mass shooters is that virtually *all* of them have shown a history of violence. ANY kind of history of violence, DV, stalking, harassment, etc should be prohibited from purchasing a gun.