
your opinion is both stupid and unnecessary

It is, in fact, great for your skin, apparently. I think there’s like a fancy Scandinavian moisturizer that uses lab synthesized derivatives to achieve the same effect. 

Part of the problem is that a majority of even the Democrats are way too old, too out of touch, too ignorant, and too beholden to corrupt dark money interests. Primary the hell out of all of them. Get everyone over 65 the fuck out of there. They’re going to be dead in a few years, so what do they care about actually

Don’t minimize your own intuition and thoughtfulness! “The comparison is not exactly a one to one; pain is multifactorial and therefore hard to study, but then, maybe this is me, yet again, lessening my pain and making it accommodating.” ED is crazy multifactorial too, so don’t let them off the hook! Women definitely

I just finished it a few minutes ago. Rest easily, friend, it’s hilarious and adorable and the theoretical pitchfork-wavers would be both wrong and joyless asshats.

You’ve sold me on watching it now. Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful post, and the rad movie suggestion. 

Anderson Cooper is literally a Vanderbilt. He’s likely so skeptical because it’s his people who would need to start paying taxes. 

Secret hysterectomy.

I hope only that Pat Langer finds the same comfort and safety she provided to those employees under her care.

This taste of justice is so delicious. I hope one day we get a guilty verdict on Trump’s sex crimes. I’ll cry.

The Boomers are absolutely shameless in their pursuit of nakedly self-serving politics and policies. They got theirs and to hell with the rest of America and the future of the this country. Honestly this country will be much better off when that generation is dead.

This is a travesty. My god, is nothing sacred anymore that they have to trample upon that one thing that unites all Southerners, our love of our cuisine?!

Look, I’m on this site, as a white person to another(?) white person, to tell you to sit down and be humble. You’re not even doing a good troll here. Lazy and dumb.

As a student of the Classics I was just about to post something but you beat me to it. It really cracked me up.

Yeah essentially they actually more than pay for themselves and have to live in a bizarre fame prison. If anything, the republican movement should be motivated by a desire to liberate the Windsors and allow them to fade into obscurity and be normal posh English bastards like all the rest.

Now I bet they wish that we *could* turn people gay. Would solve a whole lot of problems and create a new market for lube and poppers.

That one juror sounds like a cute stoner bro. I’m into it.

Can we be the results weren’t hacked by the Russians?

I never liked that show. I found it gross and disturbing. So now I feel totally vindicated.

Your B point is something I would like to stress and thank you for articulating my primary feeling about this.