
My kitty is going to help me survive by bringing home small slightly radioactive animals.

I felt like finally having a woman leader.

Don’t forget the casual homophobia directed by grown public officials towards a private citizen high school student, activist or not.

I’m calling the final showdown Indoor Plumbing vs. No More Student Loan Debt. I’m hesitant to imagine the actual result, though.

The NRA is just a front organization for the gun and weapon manufacturing industry designed to change the public’s perception of the second amendment and promote gun culture in order to sell more weapons domestically. That’s where the real money is coming from.

I think he’s kind of cute, too.

Yeah, without my meds I would need to live in a marijuana bunker or I would be too depressive to care for myself in a shattered apocalyptic world.

I think Shangela should have won but it would have been Trixie second, not Kennedy.

I hope any student who faced arrest or severe punishment calls their local ACLU chapter.

Bianca Jagger’s secret was that the horse was also on heroin.

 I’m just waiting for it to come out that Dana Hollister is secretly Taylor Swift just trying to fuck with Katy some more.

I don’t like that at all. The attempts to diminish her and frame it as a joke sounds like resentful and possibly abusive behavior.

That’s exactly what the president is in most countries while their PM or chancellor does all the actual work.

I would say a good 90% of my phone usage is either reading the news or looking up stuff on Google to satisfy my curiosity and prove other people wrong. Basically I want the library in my pocket. I think the real problem is social media. After I started paying attention and taking some notes I realised my anxiety and

Being from Mississippi, I know tilapia to be a cheaper foreign import substitute for catfish. I can’t imagine anyone would choose it over catfish if they actually knew the difference.

I mean, who wants to date someone 30k in debt with no car and bad credit? Does it matter that I’m adorable, great in bed, and have two master’s degrees? No. I would take the money. What’s love got to do with it?

I think the framing here is a little off. Maybe as a millenial with approximately 32k in debt remaining, my viewpoint is the biased one, but...The choice is not ‘not having to worry about money’ but ‘not having to worry about student loans’.

Right? You can always find more love. Unless you’re Ann Coulter.

Lol what a dumb naive little boy to ask such a thing. Like, who on earth wouldn’t cheat on him for a million dollars? That’s a better question.
