Someone should alert Pornhub.
Someone should alert Pornhub.
Tim Burke, everyone.
-Newspaper headline in Philadelphia, 1933-present
I’d criticize school staff for not seeing through the ruse, but in all fairness, nobody’s ever met a 30-year-old from South Sudan.
... especially in such
desperate cultural wastelandsfootball hotbeds as Columbus ...
It’s too bad Jeff Fisher won’t be around to see the Titans name all those draft picks captains against the Rams in 2-3 years.
In 2013, Katehi’s office contracted a Maryland-based company called Nevins & Associates for a six-month contract that costs $15,000 a month. Nevins was brought in to “clean up the negative attention,” ostensibly by removing, or lowering, Google references to the video. The online reputation management service…
Hard to believe that there were some shots fired last night by a Laker that wasn’t Kobe.
... said the butthurt Sox fan on Kinja.
You can tell the bandwagoners by their Red Sox gear.
He's now well-qualified to be ordained in the Archdiocese of Boston.
I don’t care whether they hug the pole or go screaming out of the park like Trumbo, Davis and Manny. Long as the Orioles keep hitting ‘em, fine by me.
I guess you can say...
Klinsmann: Looks like a decent left back to me.
And the UNC academic scandal widens....sad, really.
So the shitty owner of the Flint hockey team is going to face greater punishment than the governor who poisoned the city.
please let this be a series where you update us every time they lose a game.
Bad opinion.
After seeing Tejada and Kang get their legs snapped last season, I’m okay with the rule. Screw unwritten rules and “playing the game the right way.”