I wonder why she decided to apply for HuffPost considering their political bent? Did she agree with them on vaccines, perhaps?
I wonder why she decided to apply for HuffPost considering their political bent? Did she agree with them on vaccines, perhaps?
I guess she’s all for gay rights as long as the gays are rich.
B-but, civility!
You sound just like the Republicans you claim to hate.
It makes all that Hashtag Resistance McCain hero worship look more pathetic than it already was.
And what’s wrong with being socialist? You actually support capitalism?
Why wouldn’t he be happy? The GOP gained more Senate seats and they still control Florida, which is their crown jewel.
And yet Florida voters also voted to restore voting rights to felons and ban offshore oil drilling. It’s odd.
Nixon was an anti-Semite, too. So was the Proceso de Reorganización Nacional.
But King also publicly supports Israel, which is why he gets a pass.
Running a black man with a Muslim name worked out fine for them. Then a white woman managed to lose four Rust Belt states that he won twice.
1970's New York was more affordable, so that’s not really true.
I also consider it no coincidence that he’s going out on tour now that the anti-MeToo backlash is in full swing. But hey, I’m just a purist Bernie bro, so what do I know?
This is bringing out all of the Hillary dead-enders who don’t want to admit that she shouldn’t have ran in the first place.
That Clinton didn’t make that move is why people who don’t like her in the first place.
Oh, bullshit. Hillary was a shit candidate and you know it.
The police in my city are mostly black and Hispanic.
It also hasn’t occurred to them that they would be going up against the police as well. So much for Blue Lives Matter.
Pinellas County put it over the plate for Trump. I blame the Scientologists in Clearwater.