When did you stop beating your wife, Mr. Von Loor?
When did you stop beating your wife, Mr. Von Loor?
Go back to Verrit.
Not to mention that those Frankfurt School guys loathed modern popular culture themselves.
Also, you’re the one calling everyone who doesn’t agree with you a “communist”, so who’s calling people names here?
Oh, please. You believe liberty is only for Gentile white people (which means you don’t really believe in liberty at all).
Because it was Waters who recently called for journalists to be murdered.
The “leftists” are never going to grab your guns anyway (especially with the current Supreme Court situation), so why are you complaining about it?
Note that he didn’t reply to this.
Shouldn’t you laughing your ass off that a bunch of “liberal” journalists got shot?
Taxes are a necessary evil. Do you believe defense/military funding comes out of thin air?
He looks like Fred Flintstone, and has fatfingers.
“Socialism” is when *somebody else* gets free stuff, basically.
People like Hannity have been yelling “socialist” at the drop of a hat for so long that they don’t really know what to do when the real McCoy gets more exposure.
That SC justice you’re all mourning the retirement of helped this happen.
I wonder if he even knows that the Supreme Court’s Janus ruling screws cops over, too? So much for Blue Lives Matter.
How does one juxtapose calling someone else a fascist while calling him a “nigger” at the same time? Either Godwin’s law has collapsed in on itself or reached its logical conclusion.
Splinter was quite psyched about Lamb’s win, if I recall. And given his opposition to charter schools, cuts to Medicaid, and right-to-work laws, he’s not exactly a moderate.
You’re against Ocasio-Cortez because you love that capitalism. Admit it.
It was the most unhinged and racist supporters of your favorite candidate who tried to bring down that junior Senator from Illinois. You Hillary dead-enders crack me up.
Pennsylvania is one of those Rust Belt states she simply believed would go for her.