
Le Pen has a better chance of winning in 2022, unfortunately.

Here comes the Le Pen presidency, sad to say.

And what’s wrong with ending the military exercises?

I guess he believes Michael Jordan is one of the good ones.

I’m not a conservative, but I supported talking with Kim, yes. Nice false dichotomy, though.

I hope she gets primaried by a Trumpie candidate anyway and loses.

They are certainly complicit.

Quick, SaturdayNightBattlefieldEarthFever, here’s your chance to defend this and be particularly vile about it.

The Democrats have historically never been an anti-war party, though.

SaturdayNightBattleFieldEarthFever’s grandmother was OK after I sodomized her.

referring to me, sorry

Goes to show that it isn’t just dumb rich hippies and Protestant Bible-thumpers who believe in this kind of crap.

He’s a Copperhead.

What gets me about sphincter boy here is that he’s getting worked up about other people voluntarily helping the guy out with their own money. It’s not his money, so why does he even give a rat’s ass?

If you’re referring me, no, we’re not the same person.

Wasn’t the Portapotty Peeper guy busted in Colorado, too?

I wouldn’t say he has no shot, anything’s possible.

It’ll be both sad and hilarious if he loses anyway (more the former, though).

The main conservative allegation against Antifa is that they cast their net too far and consider every right-of-center person a fascist or Nazi, as if they disrupt every Republican or conservative event and rally.