
Seriously, thank you for this.

Nobody knows for sure. I know that they're not completely ignored, though. I remember watching a video at the museum where How Soon Is Now? was heavily featured. And I think there might be a couple things on display by them (not sure, though). I've actually heard that the negative relationships between the band

A comedy show with *the best insults.

Ed is secretly Veep's best character. He's only been in a few scenes but every time someone fucks with him he always ends up on top. Even Sue, a character that almost always wins the endless pissing fits, couldn't get the best of him.

As much as I love when artists just release all of their shit without any care of monetary value, I can see why Lynch is presumably the way he is. He has an incredible filmography, was the driving force behind one of the most iconic TV shows of all time, and has a style that even great directors struggle to imitate.

Lampshades On Fire is not one of the tracks that reminds me of Modest Mouse's earlier work. Songs like the title track, Pups to Dust, God is an Indian and You're an Asshole, Coyotes, The Tortoise and the Tourist, and maybe Of Course We Know are more along the lines of what I was referring to. There's definitely more

Definitely. Rabbit Habits is one of my favorite albums and I always find it sad that it didn't get them more noticed. It seems like they've had a long, difficult career making awesome music, even in the indie scene. It's a shame because they're great.

It depresses me that Man Man are still opening for bands. It probably works when they open for bands like Modest Mouse who are a bit unconventional music-wise, but I saw them open for Brand New last year and it just wasn't the right crowd for them. They were visibly frustrated but still gave a hell of a performance.

I think it actually has more qualities of pre-Good News MM than their two previous releases.

So true. It's also the only Modest Mouse song that could be on any of their albums and fit.

Exactly my reaction. I'm a fan of old Modest Mouse. I think Good News drags in the middle but is altogether a decent album. I only like about 4 songs on We Were Dead. But this one is great start to finish. Initially, I thought it was just "alright," but after 10 or so listens (I downloaded the leak weeks ago), I was

Sacrilege. It's like you're Talking Shit About a Pretty Sunset.

Coming from a reluctant journalism student, that's true with nearly every news articles. It's referred to as the Inverted Pyramid.

It's like the A.V. Club knows when I've just caught up with a show. Yeah, Looking is great and if we only get two seasons I'm going to admittedly be upset. I didn't really have a burning interest to watch it, but I gave the first episode a watch last week and immediately burned through the first season that night. It

Community has been fucked over a lot, so it's not entirely its fault. Managing to stay watchable in season 4 after losing its showrunner and improving to the quality of its former self in season 5 while losing two main cast members are small miracles. But damn, those first 3 seasons are some of the best comedic

Being sensitive towards people and just being ridiculous are two very different things. This is obviously the latter. The Viet Cong have been inactive for, what, 50 years? And it's not like the name is "The Viet Cong Were Awesome." It's just a band name. I actually introduced them to a friend I have from Vietnam and

If you rearrange the letters of Peru, you could spell Europe.

Don't make me sad again. :(

I don't get how it's "stupid." It's a band name. They're pretty much known for being meaningless.

Those people sound like assholes.