
I'm sure there's a social justice warrior on Tumblr trying to make it a thing.

I just don't understand why it's so offensive. It's not like this hasn't been done before by other bands. Nobody talks about the moral consequences of Joy Division using the name of a prostitution ring of Jewish women during WWII. If people are against their name because they're overly sensitive about a situation

I remember when season 2 was released it was considered one of the best shows on television (is that right?). A lot of the sites I was visiting were even considering Spacey as a worthy opponent to final season Cranston. It seems that now it's a huge success and nearly everyone watches it, it's easier to hate. Season 3

The only place I've heard negative things about HOC is here. It's generally considered to be a pretty great show. Yeah, some of the politics are, well, a little unbelievable…but it's very entertaining and the performances are stellar for the most part. I watched each season in about a day.

Right? Seriously some of the finest music I've ever heard. Every time they release something new it just makes me sad because of how amazing those first few albums were.

Well "Catching Fire" was a better book and film than the original, so I'm glad it wasn't left alone in that case.

Frisky Dingo is one of my favorite shows ever, but it's like the powers that be somehow won't allow me to show it to my friends. It's like faxing glitter. It just can't happen for me. Maybe I need to reevaluate my attitude.

You're joking, right?

I usually hate books like Ethan Frome, but I sort of liked it was because it was short and not very pretentious like most of the crap we had to read. The Awakening was another story though. That must be the most infuriating book I've read in my entire life.

She performed live at my county fair this summer. It was pretty dreadful. She looked vaguely interested, kind of depressed, and just sort of sad about the entire thing. She also had no stage presence and stood in one spot aimlessly swaying. It was kind of hard to watch, honestly.

Your Favorite Weapon probably has TBS influences because Jesse Lacey was originally a member of TBS. There's actually an EP that was released before Tell All Your Friends where Lacey does some backing vocals. He quit the band because of a dispute over a girl with John Nolan. That's what There's No 'I' in Team and

I think the only people who will judge you for listening to Brand New are the people who actually haven't listened to them. There are very few bands that have grown as much as Brand New have and anyone who says that The Devil and God is anything less than a fantastic album doesn't deserve to listen to music. I think

I absolutely hated Daisy upon the first listen. Now it's my second favorite and I like it better with each listen. And Noro is in my top 5 Brand New songs easily.

I actually agree. The haunting presence of a deceased Curtis made Movement so amazing, so it probably does the same with Ceremony. Still, I'd love to hear a proper version of Curtis singing it more than anything just because I love Joy Division so much

Uhhhhh. The Galaxie 500 cover is so unbelievably good. Galaxie 500 are my favorite band and New Order are probably in my top 5, so when I heard that cover I nearly died.

I've always said that if Ian Curtis had recorded a studio version of Ceremony, it would be the greatest song of all time. That being said, the New Order versions (I believe there are 2) are pretty goddamn close.