
I've seen them three times and this has never been my experience. Definitely had some people who went nuts in the pit (more than likely drunk), but everyone at the venues were totally into every song, sang along, etc.

Why does Be Gone get so much shit? Yes, it's purposely unpleasant and strange but it also has a pretty great melody and, through the distortion, some powerful vocals. It's not a personal favorite, but I've come to respect it for its oddness. And just a reminder that a dozen other bands could have done it without much

Because I wasn't trying to determine right or wrong, just disputing the right's narrative that CNN "hunted him down" as if anything they did was actually difficult, time consuming, or something a regular person couldn't do.

Can we stop acting like it was difficult for CNN to find this guy? His other social media posts were circulating on various Twitter accounts an hour or so after Trump shared the gif. Also, as an occasional Redditor, I know how simple it is to go through a user’s post history and determine where they live, their

True. I'll fully admit that I'm new to Maher, so I'm not familiar with all of his views (I don't have HBO so he's easy to ignore). I have come across his "the more you know about Islam" comment which pompously implies that liberals are misinformed about the religion while he isn't.

I can almost manage Maher's views since he vehemently attacks *all* religion. But he's certainly made some suspect comments in the past that indicate he doesn't have a firm understanding on Islam.

She was, but Trevor Noah was interviewing her one-on-one and asking her to defend her personal positions. On Maher she was a panelist whose purpose was to comment on recent events, which she failed at miserably. It wasn't even that Maher "destroyed" her. She was just flat throughout with comments and answers that

Eh, I don't know. Many would agree that "The Body" is one of the most well-acted, written, and directed episodes of television ever. Haven't really seen anything else that coveys death in such a realistic way. It's only made more impressive that it happens in a show about a teenager that kills evil monsters while

Have watched The Wire. "The Body" is up there with the best of it.

This guy made a music video for every song I'm embarrassed to have listened to in middle school.

Eh, you're wrong, but I guess it's nice that you have an opinion?

Play Monument Valley.


Everyone needs the onscreen equivalent of junk food at some point. I tend to enjoy extreme cinema, especially when I was a young teen, but I only get into it every now and then now.

I haven't watched any movie more than Scream. I know probably half of the lines and the opening and finale are probably in my top 10 horror moments of all time (and I've watched way too many horror movies). I also don't consider having a history with horror movies beforehand a caveat.

People who shit on Harry Potter take life way too seriously.

The casting for Umbridge was on point. That being said, her torture and control of Harry was minimized dramatically in the movie. They probably couldn't have included the mental anguish he experienced in a PG-13 family movie, though. I also liked the set design for The Ministry of Magic battle.

I really want to rewatch it now because I'm just wondering how they possibly managed to mess up something as important as the Marauder's Map. On a second thought, I just need to give the entire series a rewatch. I don't even remember Goblet of Fire.

I can't really comment because I haven't watched Azkaban for years. But I did reread the book a couple years ago, so I'll make sure to rewatch the movie soon since its still relatively fresh.

Ok, yeah, I totally agree with that. I remember feeling like the movie was very hollow and lacked the depth that surrounded the actions of the characters. I also remember how awful it was for a 11-year-old me to hear before it was released that the longest book had somehow been adapted into the shortest movie. Even