
English people do too have a sense of humor how dare you accuse us of being robots don't you know how much damage that sort of off hand stereotyping can cause to internation.....yeah not sure I can keep this up, rule Britannia, God Save the Queen, Pip-pip Tally-Ho

Yeah I totally get that; In fact I love that it's a feature of Android.

Anyone ever created a "Google Contact" in Android? If so you might want to check your contacts in Gmail....

For me it very much depends if I have a friend request, message or notification if I do then that's the first thing my eye is drawn to next it's the button to switch from top news to most recent then the wall

good call I may well give that a go when I get a bit of time to go on a password changing rampage

My method

My method

yup plenty of them - even the post office will give you money for old phones

yup! when you over or under rotate it usually causes over/under balancing on the landing because the boards not where you expect it to be.

difficult to say this without sounding condescending but - are you sure it's not a tree? that's the only thing I can see moving

perhaps worth adding the tested hardware:

How about "Second hand smoke doesn't kill people. It only gets them shot in the arm"?

The sooner they get this to the UK the better, my contract is up in 5 weeks and right now there's nothing available here that seems anything more than an incremental update on my HTC Desire.

I'm trying so hard to get over the spelling mistake at 0:02 but for the life of me I can't do it. I know the guy's from Croatia but it's not helping

They're not using food names specifically pattern seems to be that the names end in "o":- Nodo, Mango, Tango, Apollo

They're not using food names specifically pattern seems to be that the names end in "o":- Nodo, Mango, Tango, Apollo

#corrections It'll [be/cost/retail for] $60 when it comes out in November

Do people actually use physical calculators these days? If I need to add something I either do it in the chrome omnibar or the windows calculator app both of which are readily accessed using my comfortable and cheap mouse - heck it even has a configurable button I can set to launch the calculator in case the dedicated

Looks like a recipe for travel sickness if you ask me

Interesting, though I'm wondering whether its more conformist to just accept change or to complain about it; check out the rest of the comments on this article then judge for yourself - or perhaps it's just my nature to adapt to change, of course evolution teaches us that that's a terrible idea ...