
Seriously guys why does this happens every time Facebook changes something? Eventually you'll come to love it - how do I know? because you'll complain when they change it again.

I think you get 2 a month - I've been using it for about 2 years and they stopped the invite system in the UK about a year ago

Go to the spotify web site, log in then click on your user name in the top right -> click on "share spotify" in the drop down and that will let you know how many invites you have

I think you get 2 a month so with the roughly 100 responses I've had for my 24 invites I'm afraid you're quite a way down the list at the moment - sorry mate

sorry guys they are all gone now had about 50 people ask and only 24 invites - tried to do it first come first serve

Ok all done and all gone any problems let me know - gareththefab got the last one

resent (my bad)

Right, think I've sent one to everyone that asked (if I've missed you out or you don't receive one let me know), I've got 2 left but you'll have to wait until morning now - it's nearly 2am here and I'm going to bed


I've got 24 left any takers?

on the way - still got loads people just message me or comment here

I have 26 invites going - let me know if you want one

It's far less tenuous from a legal standpoint. I've never really used grooveshark so I can't draw any direct comparisons but I can say that I'm more than satisfied with the social integration, mobile and desktop applications (wireless sync of local content is great) and the catalogue is pretty comprehensive

The Android App has 2 options 160 kbit/s and 96 kbit/s (personally I can't tell the difference between 320 kbit/s on my PC and 160 kbit/s on my phone but that's just me)

Living in England finding a subject shouldn't be too hard

was wondering why my invites kept racking up after it had gone open in the UK - have 26 to dish out at the moment, it's not open yet but will be happy to distribute once it is

that probably wont endear them to you as they'll all be getting their education for free whilst you're paying £9000 a year

no worries man

Dude that was meant as a joke (ghastly is a classic English term from the 50's era in keeping with pip-pip and tally-ho) sorry if it didn't come off that way.

If this is a Nexus model then you can strike off the bits about the Samsung software and update delays; it'll be pure Google and first in line for Android updates. As for build quality well I've never owned a Samsung so I can't really comment.