
Oh and for the record as an Englishman I don't much appreciate being lumped together with those ghastly Scots, Welshmen and Irishmen and would prefer if you Yanks would refrain from using the term British ... tally-ho, pip-pip and all that! :P

If I'm in a public space on my laptop (usually a train) I'll either be programming - Which I think most people would get tired of watching pretty quickly or playing games (Portal 2 on recent outings) and then I'm quite happy for people to see my "skillz"

Nuts! Now I have to change my name and move house again! - I'm off to court and I'll be browsing rightmove.co.uk on the bus down.

don't worry I felt the same way! but yeah your point is still totally valid!

Someone did this to me the other week and I felt a bit dumb for it after (I blame our lacklustre IT teacher) but ROM = Read Only Memory e.g. CD's or DVD's you buy from a shop. You can definitely write to the memory available for apps on a phone.

Ditto, I'm a Christian, I'm confident in my faith and I'm almost positive the rapture is not coming tomorrow, I mean no disrespect but the method by which he's "worked it out" is more than a little suspect.

I suffer from CRS or compulsive reload syndrome

I didn't really like it, got pretty boring after a while then just seemed to be attempting to hold interest with unnecessary nudity I turned off after 30min and wont be watching again

If someone steals your laptop I'm sure it would be easy to deactivate it, I don't have the update but I do have email notifications enabled which means facebook maintains a list of all of the computers I've previously logged in with. With that list it gives me the option to remove devices revoking their association so

I used to do it every 6 months with XP and Vista. However my current Win 7 install's been going over a year and a half and still feels zippy, clean and lightweight.

I do ... well only when it's reasonably warm/dry which isn't exactly year round in England.

I just lob my eeepc into my regular shoulder bag, granted I don't care how scratched/bumped it gets - but that's the beauty of using a 2 year old netbook you don't need a super expensive bag just to transport the thing. Also who keeps their phone in their bag?

I'm pretty sure I've been getting this treatment; I put up a status the other day about a friends charity boxing event and the moment I hit enter I got "why not become a fan of boxing?" pop up on the right hand side.

Don't forget that WiFi also drops a lot packets. These errors must be detected and the lost packets re-sent (or they are dropped and you loose quality depending on your transport protocol of choice). Both the detection of errors and the recovery (sending packets again) take time and thus reduce the throughput.

Problem is it's (in most cases) 3 keys to get explorer open again win+R to open the run dialogue (which saves the last command, if your doing this often it will likely be explorer.exe) then enter to run it. Not enough of a hassle to be a realistic deterrent in my case

best comment ever!

That just looks like a sure-fire way to get hit in the balls...alot!

@Arken: The major industry identifier covers the first digit as well, so all cards that begin 4 are visa and are issued by a financial institution

if it's coated in "a special matte black material" what happens when I sharpen it?

@qrius: My Desire has the option "lock phone after" - immediately 3, 4, 10 or 15 min I think it got added in with 2.2 but may be a HTC thing