
And since some willfully ignorant dipshit is bound to yell that they don't believe you (because they don't want to) here's a source they can deliberately not read:

"if people stopped acting like it was a crime every time cops shoot someone"

Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.

It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.

Great post Greg, and great art Jim.

I have a feeling Deadspin won't be too broken up if you leave.

This gif is so white that it gets pulled over by cops in bad neighborhoods to make sure that everything is OK and do you need help finding your way home Mr. Gif?

That’s the face he makes when he sees police officers.

This gif is so White it has a fully diversified trust fund.

Dancing with two thumbs up is the official signal for, "more Miracle Whip on my American Cheese sandwich, please."

This man bred three times.


I’m not sure a person can be any whiter than this.

That was him!!?? I walked by the TV last night while my wife was watching & told her that was the whitest guy I’ve ever seen! This is amazing!!

The gif that keeps on giving.

Chalk one up for Team Flanders

The big picture here is that there’s no correct usage for the phrase at all, because if you can control it, THEN IT’S NOT FUCKING DESTINY.

First unanimous Deadspin HOF inductee: Drew’s Fucked-Up Shirt That He Actually Wore On National Television

Racism is obviously a problem, but we should have learned by now that it won't be cured by extra long sentences.