
Good. She should be in jail for an incredibly long time. Why is somebody with 13 previous car crashes allowed anywhere near a motor vehicle? You should have scooter privileges only after multiple documented self-caused wrecks.

I have a 2017 G90, and MOST of that equipment is on my $70K 2017. The exceptions are the rear-wheel steering, and the B&O stereo. (Neither of which I would opt for if given the option).

I’ve had NO problems with my 2017, it’s a great car.  Powerful, and has a presence.  I lovingly call it “The Korean S-Class” as

Amen, at least as shown in the video, the oblivious moron biker never even looked to his right as he blithely sailed through the intersection without a care in the world, and it was a one-way street with traffic coming from only that direction. It’s a wonder this guy has evaded the forces of natural selection this

Clearly you missed the part where they commit tax evasion and flee to the Balkans

You don’t know how money works, do you?

Yeah you get approximately 40% or 40% of the total jackpot, if you account for the lump sum, which most people opt for and federal taxes on the winning, not accounting for state and local taxes.  Still a shit ton of money.

...and taking the reduced lump sum.

I’m gonna say the Kia Rio 4 door. I didn’t even know they still made this thing.

Will there be a way in other than that spinning chrome anus?

I had to reread it three times, and then the article, to figure out what it meant.

That headline. It’s a mess. Google this shit if you don’t know how to write one. Which brings up the question, how do people keep getting hired for gigs they don’t know how to do around here? 

Great, another TrumpliKKKan whose understanding of economics is limited to the half of “Atlas Shrugged” they read in their second semester of community college and “Schoolhouse Rock”.

On average there were 562,000 jobs created per month in 2021. 457,000 per month so far in 2022.

It’s pretty clear this is ridgeline...um...inspired.  That bed/cab wall is a direct...er...homage.

I feel ya, most people don’t think like you and me though. They have no concept of saving, they think day to day and not year to year so saving a little today means absolutely nothing because they don’t look big picture. Just that they stuck $5 away yesterday they could use to buy that thing they don’t need today,

83-84 and I’m already soaked in sweat.

Not to give advice, since I sure don’t look like I should.

Well, before now, loans were more like 0-2% because those people have great credit and pay less for loans. Also, broad market ETFs are what you need to look into. They will typically(typically, not this year though) make between 7-10% a year and you don’t need to pick individual stocks. Individual stocks have made me

Because a lot of people DON’T make that much money and are trying to flex.