
Quite obviously a Vogon survey marker for the extension of the hyperspace expressway. Demolition should begin shortly.

That’s a .... Lada horsepower.

Many years ago I was doing a software upgrade in a company accounts department, it was close to Christmas and the staff were going out for their Christmas party for the afternoon. The manager shouted out to everyone to write down their passwords for me so I could access their PC’s while they were gone and to be sure

I know a lot that can afford a $200-$300 lease payment though. Not all 18-24 year old’s are struggling with a retail job and mountains of college debt like everyone likes to think they are.  The ones that are in that situation did a lot of things wrong.

There’s a whole world of people outside of your personal experience. 

That is not an answer to the question: why is this, or any, of the random ancient articles showing up on everyone’s homepages?

Dear Kotaku, why is this random article from 2008 on my kotaku homepage.

Yes, I used to have social anxiety. I am a voiceover actor and was about 10 minutes late for sessions for YEARS because I’d need that time to have a panic attack in my car. Then I realized I was less nervous if I got there early. Or like, you, I would need to go back to the house to check the stove or the iron. or to

When you KNOW what your issues are and why you’re running late yet you don’t take major steps to adjust for your own shortcomings and you continue to run late you are in fact saying that you’re time is more important.

Yah this guy is just making stuff up, or he lives in a really, really crappy house. 

Electric is fine if all you’re doing is boiling a pot of water.  If I want to use a wok or have any control of the heat it’s like babies first stove.   


I think you’re on the wrong site here

Hold up, is stubbing your toe on ANY candy wrapper, (regardless of the quality of the candy itself) a thing that happens?

Bad take, Reese’s are the tits. I hope you stub your toe every day for the rest of your life.

Yes, I am the exception when it comes to finances it seems along with a handful of other in this thread who understand opportunity cost. I will not say I am an above average driver, but for damn sure I am well above average in money management. This is definitely not the norm unfortunately for most people. Schools

LMAO that you think you know me. I track basically every dollar I spend so no, I do not spend more because I use a credit card. Why on earth would something as simple as having credit on the front of the card make me magically spend more than if the card said debit on the front? It is coming out of my bank account

That and the fact that gauge clusters are lit even during the day now on almost all cars. It used to be when you couldn’t see your gauges you HAD to turn on your lights, not anymore.

Maybe YOU would spend more using a credit card, but I treat it just like my debit card. I am not just whipping them out because I have them. I don’t understand how people think like that, a dollar on my CC is still a dollar coming out of my bank at the end of the month and to think otherwise is just stupid. They are a