
I don’t know how someone could even stomach a drink of [Perrier], let alone *enjoy* an entire bottle

Perfect for the people who haven’t wasted enough money and have way too much privacy.

FYI if you were following the nvidia subreddit/forums,  someone made a bot to autobid every scalper to insane prices with no intention of paying, in order to screw them over.

Yeah, its just some troll screwing with the scalper.

No it didn’t. Its people who have no interest in paying fucking with scalpers.

They don’t seem like the most... internally consistent person on here. 

You need to watch less news.  Paranoia isn’t helpful. 

I don’t like what the conversation devolved into below, but I’m kind of baffled by your take on this, and just feel the need to clarify that I’m understanding you correctly.

LMAO!! Spoken like a true Trump fan. You are hilarious putting context into words I never said. Maybe you should learn English better so you understand what all the words I said mean. That’s all I have to say about that.

Who said anyone was offended? I just pointed out that what you are saying would not work if everyone thought like you and is the definition of hypocrisy. You sound like a Trumper or one of those anti-maskers who says you need to care about my rights and no one elses.

Well put.  Thanks!

Wow, talk about hypocrisy! You can’t insist on going into someones house to buy but then refuse to let people in when you sell. If everyone were like you, nothing would ever get sold.

you may have noticed some of our sister sites have been given a similar treatment over the last few months

None of that make any sense or was relevant to Xbox’s horribly bad naming scheme.

So first you point out that the name of a console is a silly thing to put a lot of importance on.

Then you go and...put a bunch of importance on console names, by deducing that using numbers means that Sony is somehow both simple and trihard-edgy (which is not an argument that makes sense on various levels), and

All that don’t mean anything, you know that right?

The guy on the Cybertruck is the reason why loans are going out to 9-10 years now...

Wasn’t just the Redline, it was all v6 Vue models 2004 and up. Redline is literally suspension and looks, no added power. Also has the Honda trans.

Wouldn’t the Saturn Vue Redline be a more recent collab?

what kind of crazy person wants a halo card in a mini itx chassis with all the heat and bs associated with it.