
Seriously, how many of us are reading this at work and can’t take 5-10 minutes to watch a video? I almost exclusively read this site while I am at work.

Same, I even had an iPhone 6+ for 5 years and it still had the original non cracked screen on it when I traded it in. Replaced the battery in it twice, never the screen. Over the past 10 years of owning smartphones, none have had protectors on the screen and none have broken. A slim $10 case is all you need.

I feel you! I am not rich, but I make more than most people I know my age(other than my GF, but I am not complaining, power couple! lol) and when I bought my little 3 bed 1 bath bungalow, I got shit for having a smaller and older house but newer, more expensive cars. I could have totally had both a bigger newer house

Sure, maybe the special ones, but MOST Porsches do not. For every special Porsche sold, they are selling 20 regular ass Boxsters or Macans. 

Yup! Statistically, people who win the lottery end up worse off than if they didn’t win at all because people can’t handle their money, they buy a huge house, bunch of cars, then forget they need to heat the house, pay property taxes, pay insurance on the cars and house, maintain the cars and house, then end up on the

I think the issue with people who think like this is they don’t make much money and they can’t imagine what having some money is like, so they think “Anyone who is in the market for a Porsche must be a millionaire so money doesn’t matter to them” but there are a lot of people who make good money but not millions who

So many people think like that it’s crazy! Rich people don’t stay rich by throwing money away. Just because you have the money to do so, doesn’t mean people do. Some people do, sure, but those are ball players or celebrities who go broke as soon as they get injured or their acting career dries up. Most rich people

Powerbank code does not work

Powerbank code does not work

Bummer about the lockout. I did that once in high school using an aftermarket system like that and had to wait outside my running car for 30 minutes while my mom drove the spare key to the school hahaha. Learned my lesson that day! In fact, I even turned that feature off by getting into programming mode on the system

I did, and it just looks like a 20 year old car with 140k miles to me, not that it was wrecked.

Who said it has been wrecked? Says clean title on the ad.

HAHAHA Yup, sounds right! I never used the security system because I was always afraid I would arm it one day and not be able to un-arm it so I just used the key lol. Hows the car? You probably haven’t had much time to enjoy it yet with all the rain and snow lately.

These things are starting to get hot so that price is not out of line. I sold a 178,000 mile 2000 MR2 in January for $3900 with an engine that eats a quart of oil every 1000 miles and had a top worse than that, so this price does sound right, especially if it doesn’t burn oil like almost all 00-02 MR2 do.

I know HOAs are piles of shit, but how would they have any say in what locks you use on your door?

This is bullshit. Do you think insurance adjusters are that dumb to think everything with a backseat must be safer/a family car? That Mustang GT and Porsche 911 are not fooling anyone. Same thing with red cars, they do not increase insurance. When was the last time your insurance agent asked what color your car is???

I didn’t know McLaren made an F250 version of the SpeedTail!

He didn’t say he wouldn’t interact with them or treat them like a person, just he doesn’t want to date/sleep with them. As much as you may want to believe trans is the same as a natural born gender, sorry to tell you, it’s not and that’s his personal preference to not be romantic with a trans person just like someone

I am pretty sure the only reason they ask you to take a screenshot is because if the app allows screenshots, it also alows data to leak from the app in other ways because it is not secure. The screenshot is just to test if the FLAG_SECURE is set or not, if it is set, you should NOT be able to take a screenshot. It is

Not a great anology because cars will make just as much power as new if you treat them right. Missed oil changes and cheap gas make the engine lose power.

Thats because you don’t stay rich by blowing your money on depreciating assets.